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Under The Bridge

"Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate"

Avatarכינוי:  Trolladriel



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<<    מרץ 2008    >>

הוסף מסר


summer rain

Yeah, i wish. I nearly -died- today. Yuck. So much for patriotism.

So there's this amusing faertytale of an elf knight who is trying to make a troll skank his lady.


But the process itself is highly fascinating.

Plus a few allergies, lowered blood pressure, and morphine-induced extacy.

A few more days till the crucial message comes, i can relax, denial's almost as good as oblivion. Hope? Who remembers that one anyway.

I prolly need another job. But, dontwanna...

And, read the bloody silmarillion. I feel there's something lacking in my education. And LOTR. The third time. Because i -still- don't get what is the big fuss about.

Slimy posers never get the point really. And i'm not sure i get them. Securing symphaty? Hell no. You evoke as much of it as a run-over lawyer. So, bloody why bother...

King of ashur got a 3D puzzle of Taipei 101, from the prince, with help from mr Shamai and Stav. Pure joy, of course. I had the honor of building some parts of it. Quite fun, but very, very mindboggling.

KoA will be a rather weird installment into the technion. If he makes it. Unfortunately, i think love isn't the only thing required...

I think i'm getting used the idea. Today's visit enhanced the reality of it. Tho more epicfail than ever, it'd be something amusing to remember. And mushrooms play a crucial part now!

Standing in a train station dressed as a witch is interesting. How humans react to it. Mostly, a benign if surprised reaction. Gawd, people, it's purim day...

I'm rather amused to find myself trying to blindtype the way an Elbit programmer does. 100 words a minute?Epicfail, again^^. Yes, i like this expression.

Finding myself talking to my smartest female aquaintance as if she was a guy. Simpler that way. I dont get girls. Even Liat, and she's the best option i have.

Mortal enemy turned friend, now? Who'd expect. Well, back to the lovable if slightly brutish creature, just a big puppy really, as i hoped it to be. Out of my head, down from the sky, away. Now his pawprints appear where i want them to.

Beasts, mushrooms, cheese, Ms, dragons and trees. Bloody overload, and me being lazy doesn't help the condition.


Wir singen noch Duette
mit Satan um die Wette
bis wir von unsren Lungen
den letzten Ton erzwungen!


I'm really marvelling at the change.

"Eternal love, another chance".

Taking humans' words out of context is almost more than a hobby. A way of life.

I'd take this whole life out of context, if i could. 

Pitz is out of context here, too.

נכתב על ידי Trolladriel , 22/3/2008 01:28   בקטגוריות lulz, אהבה ויחסים, אופטימי  
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הבלוג משוייך לקטגוריות: החיים כמשל , 20 פלוס , משוגעים
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