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Under The Bridge

"Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate"

Avatarכינוי:  Trolladriel



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קטעים בקטגוריה: same shit. לקטעים בבלוגים אחרים בקטגוריה זו לחצו .

and now compose -this- in 3D

So technically speaking i have my birthday in 3 days, only we've got a huge crapload of pointless 3D homework which will make sure to ruin whatever time. I quarreled with that bitch michal today, since i'm not intending to be a motherfucking interior designer like her, so i plan to hand in something horrible. My right wrist is deteriorating - when holding a pencil is too heavy - something is fucked. I also can't stop coughing - to the point of nausea, and my nose bleeds like a washing powder addict's. I'm so tired i keep forgetting words from that language i'm supposed to speak daily. The last month's salary was a joke. And nobody will remember wednesday, heck, i only thought of it as a tail of the hand-in. I guess it's just time for a huge scar again, in celebration. Keep the tradition, so to speak.

Smile and cut the bullshit.

Re vera, cara mea, mea nil refert.


נכתב על ידי Trolladriel , 11/1/2009 20:00   בקטגוריות same shit  
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Been at the institute 12 hours today. Four a lesson, another four writing some theoretic crap in the library, the rest in the workshop. Got a glue burn and splinters to prove it. Fun fun. At least i feel i've done what i can, an hour of finalizing tomorrow for anything else, and they can bite my shiny metal ass after that.

Typo, as steamrollered as can be, no impact tho.

Chatted a bit with the mad poet those days, it's amusing enough to keep, but looks like he'll twist out sooner than later. Ah, well.

Gotta check on the  monster and whether technion ate him, always no time, i should remember that on train rides maybe.

Continuing looking up at cooley, if anything can be called a ray of sunshine... with a pinch of fallout but still, brightest thing i can follow.


"בזהירות תמרחו - ביוהו תחסכו!"


נכתב על ידי Trolladriel , 25/11/2008 23:42   בקטגוריות same shit, אופטימי  
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dawn II, or i'm too tired for a new title

So, the "right" open day had been right indeed. Amusing, there were much more people for it than for int des, the auditorium was full. The faculty's dean stated that it's a happy sight, "but we're still more than you". Meh, now they're maybe more, but if the head of graphic department wasn't lying, and really 60% get accepted by the new policy...well, they'll decrease. I wonder if i'll end up there after all...

I'd hate to lose the job tho, now when i found it's real purpose - allowing me to pay for train tickets XD

They are pretty evasive on the subject whether it's possible to work and study. Well, the project will be fuckity huge, but energetic people manage. Pity i'm not one.

The dean is a bit of a Dumbledore. Less beard, but quirky still the same. He wears a baseball hat. Well, i guess one cannot be a professor in artsy stuff without being legally insane.

After all the unfamiliar faces, there appeared Omer, prince of Ashur. Was fantastically good to see him. Apparently he's doing a [mis]guided tour of all art colleges in the proximity, but as of now he still hadn't found his dream faculty.

And i proved the world...erf...myself that i'm not a רכיכה. Yes, i dont remember how is it called in english. If Snuffy reads this, do share :)

These days were way too actionful for my taste. Maybe a quiet weekend would be what i need. And REALLY necessary to see king of ashur, he's bloody 21!!...and do something with Liat...well, there's always something to do, but i miss my northern elf way more than it's prolly healthy. Life, death, and llamas in the hands of technion =].

Some people just don't get the point that i don't like them. Just don't. For sliminess, for too much posing, for -not getting the clue-. You. /wave. GTFO.

Ghosts are something to be considered seriously. Altho the particular ghost of the last 2 years had gtfo, it's more abstract follower came into being, ghost of loss. They all said wights of the past shouldn't deter one from discovering new paths, but then, last time i've been happy like that it eventually resulted with half of my hair gone, minus 10 kilos, and minus whatever sanity the stuck to me until that point.

In combination with the honesty issue, all this cooked up quite weird stuff in my head.

I know all this is trivial sleep deprivation.


habitual mantra

for whatever lovers in the past

was that there is no forever

only a slight hayfever

a flame extinguished fast.


for i have seen forevers

crumbling in a second

seen space collapsing into frozen time

but now i crave deceit

please tell me

of one forever to be only mine.


i'm but a dream.

without the dreamer

i fade,

oblivion ensnares

retrace my own path of pain

and raise my head, a nightmare

haunting, haunted

by ghost of loss, ever again.



Rhyming is for wussies anyway. =]





נכתב על ידי Trolladriel , 5/3/2008 17:05   בקטגוריות deep down the spoon, lulz, same shit  
7 תגובות   הצג תגובות    הוסף תגובה   הוסף הפניה   קישור ישיר   שתף   המלץ   הצע ציטוט

הבלוג משוייך לקטגוריות: החיים כמשל , 20 פלוס , משוגעים
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