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לדף הראשי של nana10
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Under The Bridge

"Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate"

Avatarכינוי:  Trolladriel



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<<    נובמבר 2009    >>

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Sp there was a kickass weekend, it's amazing how much one's head can rest in a couple of days with cuddling and without fighting. Typography is still not a star, yesodot even further than that, but i'm shiny for no good reason, it'll naturally turn against m tomorrow or something, but still. And Vendetta never comes to bore me, it must be like the 10th time i watched this movies since i've first seen it in the cinema, it just doesn't grow old.

Been shopping for shelves with father yesterday, the lying bastard finally gave in XD.

Keren amuses me. I know her for over a year now an she still does. I talk to her online more than i do to any person 'cept Magis, and despite it being mostly school matters, she started talking about personal stuff too this year, guess she grew used to me and my 'uncharacteristic' responses to everything. She's also sweet and helping, but that can describle almost anyone from my class, what amuses me is that she helps me so much, motivation or other stuff, while she's the most acutely normal person in this class, and i'm the most acutely not. I'm happy she is there though.

Doron continues being a constant source of inspiration, that boy is a genius, And while i met quite enough of those through the years, none of them combined the bright streak with immense modesty and kindness.

"I'm a fan of Doron Baduach", lol, yeah, i'd totally join that group, tho creating it would look rather weird. I content myself by drawing lots of fanart. And things with eyes. I don't know if i'd be quite as fond of him if not the world of eyes everywhere. And trees of course.


Another important thing is that Delain have a new album [well, relatively new, start of 2009, i just didnt check before, fsm bless last fm..]. As much as the first one pwnd, this one pwns oodles harder. Love it.


'Don't you know, in the end, we'll be tragically torn apart, if you can't control the storm'



נכתב על ידי Trolladriel , 30/11/2009 07:43  
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?morning vomit

It's a bit funny to tell something he doesnt want to hear, and probably didn't want to hea 4[?] years ago. Did it make me me feel any better? No. Did it make him any feel better? hellno, i'm sure. I'm still sorry of course, and he's..alone? And no way i can help. Sure i've been wanting to say that, only what good it done. 2006, Year of the Idiot...

When i try to talk, it's just quiet sort of despair, not even like the drama i'm used to, and equally quiet sarcasm. Nu i deserve that of course, but i guess it's directed to the world in general and not only at me.

He's such a good furball, and i wish i could help, like i always do in those cases, it's just the only way i ever knew is rather twisted...sometimes i feel i should be cloned...a sheep for everyone, or at least for people who need that sort of company.

Now i feel nauseous [but that's prolly still the virus] and rather sarcastic. Can i be a geek patron saint? Or draw one? Yeah, i probably could draw one, as for be, too little programming languages and wow gameplay hours.


Who's a level seven corpse then, whooooo!

נכתב על ידי Trolladriel , 26/11/2009 07:36  
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Since now my comp lives in my room i cn write every day, if i so want. Do i have anything importnat to write? NOOOOO!!!!1pie2

I did get curious though, who bothers to read here except occasional bored people that fish occasional boring blogs on the front page. From that interesting list of latest page visits it seems like some people actually comne here on purpose. Who, and most interestingly, why the hell.

At least i'm nearly finished with being sick. How nice.

Judith is a headache. Yeah, i can absolutely see how she can be a wonderful and fun person, but as a lecturer she's a right little nightmare. Doron thinks she knows what she's doing, but he's prett much the only one. Apparntly the style of conveying lecture that is employed by all the others, including the fabled mr Ezer, does not befit her. Silly english kniggit.



נכתב על ידי Trolladriel , 22/11/2009 17:18  
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