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Under The Bridge

"Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate"

Avatarכינוי:  Trolladriel



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<<    מאי 2008    >>

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Holy Cornflakes

So it've been an interesting week really. With it's fair share of squirrell poo, but nice nevertheless. There was teh Indie day, and teh Ido party, and lots of other crap.

Certain people still don't get the very thick msg that their comments, observations, approvements, and whatnot, is obsolete and unnecessary. Well, i guess i can always erase them when i'm angry, and the rest of the time, well, just giggle at the thickness. Same goes for those who consider this media a proper forum to discuss whatever occurs to them as a result of their chemical imbalance. Because it isn't.

People from the obscure academic past, however, can be a pleasant surprise, as my solid dislike for them subsides after a couple of years of not seeing them being extraordinarily full of themselves. Oblivion is the first step to amity? lol. I can just imagine them fun and nice...ah, the net's a great medium as long as i don't want to fling a hammer into the monitor.

On indie evening, monster corteously suggested his company, but then king of ashur proclaimed that as his subject i ought to come with him and Mer to TA...so i went, even if it was a bit uncorteous on monster's. Well, TA sure made my legs ache, somehow when i'm there it's usually quite a lot of prowling, in horrible zigzags. The light show's been nice, music expectedly stupid but for the spirit of the thing, we danced to it too, carefully avoiding the spray assaults. If i'd bother to get a spray of my own...i'd show the little bastards. Srsly.

Pictures sucked, but it's ok, wasn't much to see anyway. I got a fair share at Ido's bday tho, and am still waiting to steal those other people took.


A world as seen from inside a tree?


Ido is a kusit. We all want a bit of heaven and a bit of Ido.


Happy hogparents!

Lucky i convinced king of ashur to buy the hog, looks like it had some point.

Hila likes it too. Her hedgehog connection is obscure, but well, with Hila i never know. ריז'ק יוז'ק!

The party was awesome, best i've been to for a long time, good chance to meet amazingly lovely people, pure <3, well, 'cept one of them. I love people that are driven. That means Moran, of course. And ricardo&trivin were interesting. And the hog!

I'm unable to decide if i want to write with capitals or not..at times they're just pointless...

Bureaucracy awaits, the unholity trinity of things i won't be assed to remember the english words for, מקדמה, פיקדון, דרכון. If i come to senses quickly about the third one, maybe there'll be a bit of חו"ל for me in the autumn. But most chances not, too many things are going to go wrong. Ah well, i'll settle with going to mitzpe ramon and watching llamas :).

It doesnt really matter where, it matters with whom.

In 5 days the kids that remained to do יג'-יד' are going to the army. Ah, time flies. Or not, it's a stupidly incorrect cliche. Would be amusing to see what became of them, although i suspect that it's not quite the glorious sight, esp. in lilo's case. =\

But i gonna be a student too, soon enough. At least one thing i've done right. And if i ash-ka-ra finish it correctly, it's a degree, and not תעודת הנדסאי at which i can't help but sneer.

This week, whenever cold turkey prevailed and general hell took place, i reminded myself of that happy fact, and it actually managed to cheer me. I could've cast a meeping Patronus with it!

Not so far from a witch really. =]

The general feeling of "I kick ass" is rather rare for me, so whenever it happens, i tend to overdose a bit. Well, don't think it bothers anyone, and if it does, shove it where al-sams la laisa. Fun should be had!

And talking of fun, it's north this week, or i'll commit a murder. Of spaghetti.

SOAD's lead singer has a solo album, which is not bad, but will prolly lose flavor quickly. Mostly it's still power metal, i really can't get how people don't die laughing in front of the mike with those lyrics. And ridiculous [and epic!] as they already are, i tend to hear things that aren't really there.

From a sea of holy cornflakes flies the last winged unicorn!!!


נכתב על ידי Trolladriel , 13/5/2008 21:25   בקטגוריות lulz, deep down the spoon, אופטימי  
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Emerald spork

So, abandoning the many half-cooked posts that will blissfully remain unpublished. I'll make a new one. Since it's impossible to keep up with the stuff, i'll just make a salad instead of real cooking. I hate cooking anyway.

The salad will probably be generously seasoned by the fact i kicked some shiny metal ass and now a goddamn student-to-be in the Holon Institute of Technology. ***PWNZORZ***.

Apart from that, i broke some rather long cold-turkey period, so my wrist hurts...and looks like i've been to TA a week or 2 ago, symptoms didn't quite wear off...didn't take many pics, but this one makes up for it:

I want one of these in my new room. Or 2. If i'll have the moniez. I love clocks, much more twisted ones. And the more i look at these, the more mind-bogglingly beautiful they appear.

All hail d&c.

And of course there are the trains to the north. [Time for some of my better sketches!]. Seems like we're going on llamazingly well, with the slight comic relief of having, between us, enough unresolved mental issues to fill a whole cuckoo's nest. Never regretted the decision so far. Still too much to unveil, certainly the toughest case so far, but worth it. I think.

King of ashur is back out of the oblivion [well, שמירה technically]. Seems like i'll see him on the birthday party, which will make it better...human issues are high recently, for some reason. I have still no idea how to get there...or back...or behind what should i hide...but who cares really.

Also, I was at Ido's place at some point or other, classic, like going to another world. Wish i could do it moar, but haven't got the excuse. Oh well.


Humans issues. Yep, i hope i'll encounter something worthy in HIT. Meeting Elad, both irl and online, was a pleasant surprise, but i still dont know if he's accepted. Meanwhile, it looks like too many people are twitchy, jumpy little females, with too much energies, overly opinionated, and "active in the fandom of everything". I don't remember to whom this brilliant saying belong, hope it's not actually one of the people i know. My dislike of the concept is quite strong.  And the realization that i narrowly escaped falling into that clique doesn't make it better.

My monster twin is still an unerringly sweet cookie, which still mildly surprises and amuses me, even tho it's been ages. When i ranted about the incomprehencible pooeyness of the coming weekend, he suggesting spending the Indie day with me, claiming that it'd be as much fun as his alternative plans, or even moar. Oh well. Who am i to object. The weekend will be distinctly Magis-free, so nothing to lose. Still pooey, but one has to succumb to the evil force that is Sauron..err...Technion.

This vain little dragon lives near the train station. It's full of itself like the average model. Really. Look at it.

No music reviews this time. I'm pretty tired and still marvel at myself that i actually completed a post. In general - power metal. For the land, for the king, for the llamas!


נכתב על ידי Trolladriel , 5/5/2008 21:01   בקטגוריות lulz, supernatural high!, אופטימי  
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