your ship had set sail!
you won't be able to find it anymore...
not even with the lighthouse!
out of your radar and completely out of your life.
i love you i love you i love you!
but who cares, i belong to another anyway...
hate to be a property, i hate to tell you no.
nothing is ok so i might as well just say - fuck off.
i wish i could be more of a violent person...
that way i could be more like the one i admire so much.
i could go outside and punch to death some innocent people,
just because i'm mad, just because i'm so fucking furious.
but i don't have my mom nor a servant to hold me down,
noone to calm my animal instincts when shown.
and even the place is wrong, and my fists so small.
so just go, go go go! and leave me alone.
i want to completely be taken away by hate.
i want to be able to give up but i just can't.
i want to live with no regrets, but you're a big one already.
i'm such a mess.