לדף הכניסה של ישרא-בלוג
לדף הראשי של nana10
לחצו לחיפוש
חפש שם בלוג/בלוגר
חפש בכל הבלוגים
חפש בבלוג זה

One owes respect to the living , To the dead one owes only truth - Voltaire-


בן: 38

ICQ: 286195007 


מלאו כאן את כתובת האימייל
שלכם ותקבלו עדכון בכל פעם שיעודכן הבלוג שלי:

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הבלוג חבר בטבעות:

Last Post

"every thing that has a begining , has an end"


Time to wrap this show up.

Time to take what I'v collected and move on...

I was thinking what would be the end , what I'v learn'd... my conclusion...

I was thinking over and over and there are just so much stuff , sooo much...

So I figured instead I'll try to write some short verses , and let whoever try and make sence of what I ment.


so here go's , what I'v learn'd , my conclusion's :



"Friends betray , always , sooner or later it will come , regardless of words , actions speak for themselfs"


Beloved ppl:

"Loved-ones will desipoint you sooner or later..."



"It is who we are , not who we are born as , that makes us noble.

It's the virtue , not birth that makes us who we are ,

Great actions speak great mind's... and we can be whoever we choose to be"



"Love ... oh love... love is the absulute mistress , the lord of life and death.

love is what lays within , love is maby one of the few things that dosent spoke with actions.

pains me how the concept of love became twisted and corrupt by humanity, true love is in the heart..."


Humanity in general:

"Humanity inspires to nightmare , and sooner or later it will collepse unto itself... that fact is undenible"



"And I nevertheless will get the better of myself , and that is the best kind of victory one can wish for..."


"if ever there was a true love in my heart , that would be it..."



so I guess this is it , what would I write for a strong ending... ?! hmmm....

I'll do a quote , of someone better then me , that was probebly the motive of this blog in whole , and so I could go out strong... so here go's :




~Siegfried Sassoon (1886–1967)~


Light many lamps and gather round his bed. 

Lend him your eyes, warm blood, and will to live. 

 35Speak to him; rouse him; you may save him yet. 

He’s young; he hated War; how should he die When cruel old campaigners win safe through?  


 But death replied: ‘I choose him.’

So he went, And there was silence in the summer night; 

 40Silence and safety; and the veils of sleep. 

Then, far away, the thudding of the guns.

Farewell and blessed be
נכתב על ידי , 31/1/2008 16:59  
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