Sigh.... I'm doing this for you Yahel.
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So maybe I did totally embarrass myself by making this god forsaken blog private.. But I just felt like it!
Maybe I thought I would make this a private diary of some sort. But that was stupid since nobody reads here anyways and I would probably just abandon this "diary" of mine.
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There isn't much to tell...
I've already written my final 30S chemistry exam and got 85%! I was so happy!
And I probably have homework to finish but I couldn't really care enough to get up and check or start working on my late handouts.
But o well.
Everything's great so far... except for the fact that Caden is sick and I'm losing a lot of weight. Shit basket...
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If anyone's familiar with Studio Ghibli then they've probably seen Grave of the fireflies film. It's truly brilliant!!! I cried so hard while watching it!!!
I was absolutely positive that it has won at least 7 awards or at least awarded the title of "best film in the entire universe"!!! But noooooo... people are too stupid to see the shine in sad realistic movies. Fuck it... people are people
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That's all I really could say....
Old picture of me that I just found
LOL I love my friends they're weird XD