כל מה שיש X אחריו, עשיתי =]
on the cheek. X
on the lips. X
on their hands or fingers.
in my room.
in their room. X
of the opposite sex. X
of the same sex X
a little younger than me.
a little older than me. X
with black hair. X
with curly hair.
blonde hair
brown hair X
blonde hair and blue eyes. הלוואי -_- שירצה כבר
with red hair
with straight hair.X
shorter than me.X
with a lip ring.
who i truly love/loved.X
who was drunk.X
who was high.
in the morning.
right after waking up
just before bed.
late at night.X
who I had just met.X
who I really didn't want to kiss.X
while i was going out with some else.
on a bed.X
in a graveyard.
at school.
against a wall.X
at a show.X
at the beach.
in a pool.
who was/is a good friend.X
in the rain.
in the shower/tub
מדליק =]
וואלק, שנה חדשה ממש כיפית D:
מצחיק בשיעורים, יציאות מצחיקות=]
אוהבתותכםםםםםםם 33>
קרימינולוגיה זה דבר שולט /m\