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מרית סלוין על התהליכים הקדם סרטניים:   http://www.haaretz.co.il/hasite/pages/ShArtPE.jhtml?itemNo=469515&contrassID=2&subContrassID=2&sbSubContrassID=0

נכתב על ידי , 1/9/2004 20:49   בקטגוריות מחקרים קליניים  
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AMGN Amgen's anemia drug might have broad new uses - NY Times (53.32 )

The NY Times reports that Amgen's anemia drug might have broad new uses, recent studies have found. Laboratory and animal studies have shown that in addition to bolstering the body's red blood cells, the drug, EPO, is present in the central nervous system and acts to protect cells and tissues from damage and death. That could make it useful as a treatment for strokes, spinal cord injuries, multiple sclerosis and many other ailments. Testing in humans is in very early stages. A small study by academic scientists in Germany found that EPO, when given within eight hours of a stroke, helped protect the brain from damage and improve patient recovery. A larger trial is now under way there. Another early-stage trial in Germany is testing EPO as a treatment for schizophrenia, and in the US, academic scientists are planning trials for AIDS-related dementia and for a nerve disease similar to multiple sclerosis.

נכתב על ידי , 9/7/2004 16:00   בקטגוריות מחקרים קליניים  
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מדע, חלום וסיכון



אמיר בן דוד ל"הארץ" מביא כתבה מרתקת על חברה בחיתולים, שמנסה להפוך מחקר במעבדה - לתרופת בלוקבאסטר לשפעת, כאן.

נכתב על ידי , 5/7/2004 21:04   בקטגוריות מחקרים קליניים  
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המטרה: להפוך את הסרטן למחלה כרונית



מאת אנדרו פולק
חוקרי סרטן בכירים בארה"ב סבורים שדור חדש של תרופות, שחלקן כבר נכנסו לשימוש, עשוי לחולל מהפכה בטיפול במחלה ולצמצם את קטלנותה

נכתב על ידי , 14/6/2004 15:16   בקטגוריות מחקרים קליניים  
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Last Day of ASCO: Thousands of doctors, researchers, and Wall Street analysts are packing up and heading home today, with the last day of presentations at the American Society of Clinical Oncology's (ASCO) meeting wrapping up at noon. Unlike other years, ASCO did not produce one headline drug, but rather a hodge-podge of compounds that promise to extend lives in late-stage cancers.

This weekend's abstracts probably gave the most significant developments: news that ImClone (IMCL) and Bristol-Myers' (BMY) Erbitux improves survivability in head & neck cancers (rather than just shrinking tumors in colon cancer), that Telik's (TELK) Telcyta shows effectiveness against ovarian cancer, and that OSI Pharmaceuticals (OSIP), Genentech (DNA), and Roche Holdings' Tarceva extends survival rates by two months in non-small cell lung cancer.

The below table summarizes some of the more notable presentations from late Sunday to early today (for a list of early Saturday to mid-Sunday presentations, please visit the June 7 Story Stock archive). Briefing.com will be following up with a number of these drug candidates in future stories on Story Stocks. Please feel free to send suggestions to the author. -- Heather Smith, Briefing.com

CompanyDrugConference NewsSide Note
American Pharmaceutical (APPX) AbraxaneCo announces positive Phase I data showing that Abraxane is well-tolerated at high doses in a weekly dosing schedule for a variety of non-hematologic tumor types; Earlier abstracts presented at ASCO indicate efficacy with robust activity in difficult-to-treat taxane failuresData supports Abraxane's claim as a safer taxane (which allows for higher dosages) versus BMY's Taxol; however, that still does not change the fact that the FDA denied Abraxane priority review status on May 10 - apt to keep shares under pressure
AstraZeneca (AZN) IressaCo gives survival rates for 21,000 non-small cell lung cancer patients a year after treatment - the largest set of data for an EGFR inhibitor drug; Survival totaled 29.9%; In a separate trial, Iressa plus Celebrex was found to be well tolerated in the early stages of head & neck cancer Co's news has been overshadowed by rival OSIP/DNA's Tarceva drug; The latter acheived a 43% increase in overall survival (Iressa has not shown statistical significance in extending survival)
Human Genome (HGSI)HGS-ETR1Co presented two Phase I trials yesterday of the drug in solid tumors or non-hodgkin's lymphoma; Data suggests the drug is well-tolerated and safe, and should continue into Phase II trials to evaluate its effectiveness in humansNearly all of HGSI's pipeline is in early to mid-stage development, and thus a lot is riding on HGS-ETR1; So far, results look promising for the anitibody
Medarex (MEDX)MDX-010Co presented a Phase II study yesterday of the drug alone or in combination with chemotherapy for patients with late-stage melanoma; A response rate of 17.1% was achieved in the combination arm, versus an average rate of 6.5% for standard chemotherapyData confirms an earlier Phase II study, signaling that MDX-010 should enter its first phase III trial later
נכתב על ידי , 8/6/2004 22:08   בקטגוריות מחקרים קליניים  
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Color from the 40th annual ASCO meeting



Color from the 40th annual ASCO meeting

As usual, there were a few surprises from companies presenting at the ASCO meeting: Smith  Barney out noting EGFr inhibitors stole the show with promising early data of combo targeted therapies. DNA/OSIP's Tarceva demonstrated a 42.5% clinically meaningful survival benefit representing +2 months with response noted across all  patient subgroups unlike Iressa. For Erbitux, significant positive data in head and neck cancer were highlighted with supportive data for frontline use in CRC & in lung cancer. Specifically, in head and neck cancer, the results indicated that patients treated with Erbitux and radiation  therapy achieved a median survival that was nearly twice as long as those receiving radiation alone. In fact, the data were so good, stock has received an upgrade this morning (see 06:34 comment)... Also, several firms out positive on MLNM with UBS saying the APEX Ph III trial comparing Velcade alone to high-dose dexamethasone in 2nd-line multiple myeloma showed significant survival advantage, potentially expanding its utility into 50% of the MM market rather than the current 25%. Goldman also out saying they expect the growth rate of Velcade to re-accelerate in H2/04  with increased off-label use in second line therapy (vs current third or fourth line). The largest surprise from MLMN probably came in advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) where Velcade showed 10% response rate as monotherapy and a 15% response rate with combination of  Velcade and Taxotere. The Street had previously been rather skeptic regarding Velcade in solid  tumors... On a somewhat negative note, some market participants seem to be questioning the Phase II  trial design of BAY/ONXX's BAY 46-9006 in advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC), or kidney cancer.  Also, the emergence of PFE with its SU11248 in the same indication is likely spark some debate.  The question here doesn't seem to be whether BAY 46-9006 is an active drug or not, but when the co's are going to get it approved.  Smith Barney out saying that although it had been widely speculated that Bayer/ONXX may submit a regulatory filing based on this data, they believe it is likely that data from an ongoing large pivotal Phase III study targeted to enroll approx 800 patients will be necessary for such a filing. (Briefing.com Note: As an almost too perfect coincidence, The New York Times is out with a positive story on ONXX and BAY 43-9006 this morning).

נכתב על ידי , 7/6/2004 15:51   בקטגוריות מחקרים קליניים  
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Statins can lower diabetics' heart risk



Statins can lower diabetics' heart risk -- USA Today

A daily dose of a cholesterol-lowering statin dramatically lowers the risk of serious heart disease and stroke in patients with the most common form of diabetes, even those with normal cholesterol levels, researchers reported here Sunday. The landmark study, which involved 2,838 people in the United Kingdom and Ireland who had no history of cardiovascular disease, found that a low dose (10 mgs) of Lipitor (atorvastatin) cut the risk of serious heart problems by 36% and stroke by 48%, said Helen Colhoun of University College Dublin, who presented the results at a meeting of the American Diabetes Association. The study was halted last June, two years earlier than planned, because the treatment worked so well in preventing heart disease, she said. The study, coordinated at the University College London, where Colhoun was based until recently, was sponsored by the charity group Diabetes UK, the UK Department of Health and Pfizer, which makes Lipitor.

נכתב על ידי , 7/6/2004 15:49   בקטגוריות מחקרים קליניים  
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Tarceva Boosts Lung Cancer Survival Rate by 42%
By Adam Feuerstein
TheStreet.com Senior Writer

6/5/2004 9:01 AM EDT
URL: http://www.thestreet.com/p/rmoney/adamfeuerstein/10164660.html

 Biotech NEUTRAL

  • OSI is expected to seek FDA marketing approval for Tarceva this summer.
  • Tarceva sales could reach $500 million to $1 billion.
  • Still, AstraZeneca's Iressa proved better at shrinking tumors.

  • NEW ORLEANS -- The use of Tarceva boosted survival by 42% in patients with end-stage non-small-cell lung cancer, according to clinical data presented Saturday at the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO).

    In late April, Tarceva partners OSI Pharmaceuticals (OSIP:Nasdaq) and Genentech (DNA:NYSE) announced that the drug's phase III study was a success. But the actual survival data were kept under wraps for presentation at the ASCO meeting. Shares of OSI have more than doubled since the companies made that announcement in April.

    OSI is expected to seek marketing approval for Tarceva from the Food and Drug Administration this summer. The drug, once approved, would be co-marketed by OSI and Genentech in the U.S. Swiss drugmaker Roche would handle international marketing duties.

    The phase III Tarceva study enrolled 731 non-small-cell lung cancer patients who failed all approved drugs and had no other good medical treatment options. These patients were split into two groups: One group was given Tarceva, while the other group (the control) was treated with the standard "best supportive care." The study's main goal, or primary endpoint, was designed to show that Tarceva could improve overall survival by about 33%.

    The study achieved this goal, and then some. The 488 patients in the study given Tarceva had a median survival of 6.7 months, compared with 4.7 months for the 243 patients receiving standard of care. The difference in survival was two months, or 42%, and statistically significant.

    "This is a new, well-tolerated oral treatment for patients who previously had very few options," said Dr. Frances Shepherd, an oncologist at the Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto and the lead investigator of the study, in a statement. "Patients treated with erlotinib [Tarceva] in our trial not only lived longer, but they also had a better quality of life."

    Generally speaking, Wall Street's biotech fund managers were hoping to see a minimum of a 40%, or two-month, improvement in survival.

    An oral drug, Tarceva is a member of the closely watched class of drugs that attempts to halt the growth of cancer cells by blocking a key enzyme, epidermal growth factor, or EGF. In this way, Tarceva is very similar to AstraZeneca's (AZN:NYSE) Iressa, the first of these EGF inhibitors to be approved in the U.S., also for late-stage non-small-cell lung cancer patients. ImClone's (IMCL:Nasdaq) Erbitux is also an EGF inhibitor, but it's an injectable drug, so it works in a slightly different way.

    Wall Street's sales estimates for Tarceva in non-small-cell lung cancer are wide ranging, from $500 million to well above $1 billion -- although such projections are mere guesses, since the drug is not yet approved.

    The consensus view is that Tarceva will likely be viewed by many doctors as superior to AstraZeneca's Iressa. That's because the Tarceva study is the first controlled study of an oral EGF inhibitor drug to demonstrate that it can boost the survival of advanced non-small-cell lung cancer patients.

    Iressa was approved on the basis of uncontrolled studies that showed the drug shrank tumors in about 10% of patients; the studies were not designed to look at changes in patient survival. Last year, AstraZeneca reported worldwide Iressa sales of $228 million.

    Interestingly, in the Tarceva study, only 8.9% of patients responded (had their tumors shrink by 50% or more). That's a lower patient response rate than what AstraZeneca showed with Iressa in its studies -- a 10% patient response rate. AstraZeneca is currently conducting controlled studies to determine how well Iressa boosts survival in late-stage non-small-cell lung cancer patients. The fact that Iressa's response rate was higher than that for Tarceva may lead some to predict that Iressa might also produce a stronger survival benefit. A definitive answer will have to wait until the studies are complete.

    OSI shares closed Friday at $78.53, up $1.53, or 2%; Genentech shares closed at $59.61, down 49 cents, or 0.82%.

    נכתב על ידי , 5/6/2004 22:34   בקטגוריות מחקרים קליניים  
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