It was raining cats and dogs these couple of days. so unpredictable at this time of year
I bet you can't really see through this pictures,but the feeling was absolutely wonderful. walking in the rain with a
Bordeaux umbrella and smell the fresh air, so uncontaminated. when It's cold outside it actually warms my heart
In the meantime I learn the German language, since I'm willing to study in Germany. I find languages so
fascinating and intriguing, I absolutely adore it was about to say that since I serve in the army, I wear a uniform
everyday, so it cuts off my wings in the fashion aspect, I can only dress as I please on my free time,vacations, weekends etc. but lets face it, when I
come back home, the only thing I really want is to slip inside my pyjamas
what I would have worn for such a lovely day ,would probably be this
the skinnes are from Topshop ,the ruffle chiffon top is from charlotterusse, the shoes are from Forever21, and a MiuMiu bag ! Lovely
Not so long ago I bought a sort of almost flat version of Bordeaux oxford shoes,which are amazingly pretty. I have
a thing for this color lately. too bad I can't find an oxford's like those in the picture, I think they are utterly lovely. I suppose that when I'll have my spare time, I could share some real clothing, on a real face and not just a dreamy outfit.I could simply wait for my best friend to return from Poland and have a girls-night-out
for now, I'm going to check the forecast,cut my fringe and do some German homework
Have a nice night
emotional wreck