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חרונולוגיה חסרת חשיבות

Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. Tangles should be welcomed as good news-they keep out demons. 1988:28 Becker :וולטר

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<<    יוני 2004    >>

הבלוג חבר בטבעות:

דיווח זכרונות מהים או הים האכזר

הלכתי אתמול לים עם ידידה. נכנסנו למים. אחרי עשרים שניות שמענו קול: "הבנות שם צאו מיד אתן באזור מסוכן" ואנחנו בכלל לא היינו בחוץ מוכרז, לכן אמרתי לידידתי שזה בטח לא אלינו. היא טענה שזה כן אלינו. היום חזרתי לשם ושמעתי את המצילים צועקים לבנות באותו מקום לצאת. הסיפור אתמול הזכיר לי שכבר קרה לי משהו כזה בעברי. וזכרתי זאת כי כתבתי זאת. ושלחתי בדואל לכל חבריי. אז פישפשתי בדואר שלי, ומצאתי. התאריך 6.7.2000 וזה הדואר ששלחתי. כפי שתראו, לא השתניתי הרבה מאז, וכן בעיות בזהותי המינית היו קיימות כנראה כבר אז (ראו הקטע הספרותי "החתונה שלי"). אז זה באנגלית, וזה ארוך, ואני משועמם. אז אולי תהנו. וכן, אני ממשיך בטרנד של התכתבות עם עצמי.

we decided 2 go 2 the c. yes the sun didnt

 scared us a bit. so we went. suterday and nothing. so we decided going on sunday s well. some of us needed to take a shower after the c so we went 2 xof muxraz. u know 1 with life guards in it. so there were 30 meters of c one can enter. all the other c was blocked by ropes which prevented people from entering there. so we entered were it was allowed. we walked a bit. some 20 meters. and another 10 more when the water reached my (well let not get obscene here) we understood it wouldnt get deeper than that so we decided to swim. not few seconds went be and we heard a mastering voice: "habanot baomek, taxzeru laxof." myself didnt understood to whom were they speaking 2. u c i saw reality s somehting completely different: a) we werent banot. b) it wasnt deep. unless u think 1.6 is deep. (consider the fact that my whole head was out of the water.) c. there were a ... no i makdim @ hame'uxar. unlike myself the my friend understood they were refering 2 us. which made her very smily. the next warning gave us the reason: "banot titkarvu laxof. banot al tisxu la'omek. ze mesukan. yesh zramim taxtonim mesukanim meod." (my previous c was that there werent any zramim 1, meaning myself, could have noticed). but now i got it. now i finnaly understood. there are zramim. and we gals r known to act according to zramim taxtonim. and these zramim can b very risky 4 us. we stop thinking when we reach these zramim. And may even b foolish enough 2 endangere ourselves when we reach such zramim. and besides we r 2 weak to fight those natuarl monsteres known s galim. s we gals ought 2 stay close and not lisxot la'omek. now if we women b honest with each other (we r known 4 our ability 4 intemicy when we r together) i might tell u that one of us wanted to go deeper so one of the sexy life gaurds would save us. yes one of us (no i wont tell u who she was. u know we gals has to stick together. women fraternity.) yes. 1 of us wanted 2 b saved. Alas we understood our roles s women and got the picture that those lifeguards were 2 lazy to save us and just wanted 2 reassert thier male dominance so we decided to return to safety shores where no zramim can reach us and defect our judgments. and indeed when we reached the safe shore we understood (yes, the reaon returned to us) y the lifegaurds wanted us close 2 the shore. they just didnt c that well, thus if someone went deep enough they wouldnt have seen him. Which explains y they refered 2 us s banot (s u can understand one of us wasnt bat though the other one was and still is very much one.) on the shore we looked these lifeguards 2 c if they were save worthy. and indeed they werent. so we decided 2 educate each other. my humble self should have dedect any ca'ir shriri vexatix and the my friend should have detected any ce'ira xatixa. her job was much easier though we both can count both xatixim and xatixot on one hand. (4 xatixot and one xatix.) yes apperently it was the day that all the ugly people go 2 the c. we came out with few reasons. it was sunday, the normall (meaning the ones that can b seen) go 2 the c on suterday. The second reason was that we were there. and lets face it at list 1 of us (the humble writer) can easily mix with the people who were on the beach that day. And thirdly the evidence was just 2 grave. the uglyness we exposed 2 was unhumane. there were a mother and her 2 daughters that was gros. and the behema with his beasty dog. and a couple which u can c how they deserve each other. so we girls went home either by rexev or by rakevet hoping one day some hunk or chick will save us.


נכתב על ידי , 30/6/2004 22:45  
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בן: 20


פרטים נוספים:  אודות הבלוג

הבלוג משוייך לקטגוריות: החיים כמשל , אקטואליה ופוליטיקה , תקשורת ומדיה
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