Or maybe u just didn't notice, but Kannot, it is happening!! I am so happy! Are you intrested in what happend in the last days? Well. I guess that not, but I'll tell anyway.
the first week were at south Sweden. Extremly greenn, beautiful, and happy. With my cousins, grandparentas and my aunt. Me and one of my cousin went to course. It was a שייט course, we ROCK! I can use a boat (C55)!!
one week, 4 howers every day.
When we were done there, my aunt had already taken the car to Stocholm, where they (my cousins, she and her husband) live. So we, I, the cousin, and his brother, took the buss to Stocholm. So I went a lot to the big city, bought a lootttt of clothes (wait untill H&M comes to Israel and you will understand what I am talking about), and met my dousins girlfriend.
My cousins left today to nrth, to the mountains, which I wanted to do, but never happend.. ANYWAY, tomorrow we wre driving to my grandparents second house, that is in the wood! That place means a lot to me.
Good lick Eti.
Have fun Meytar.
You can do it with tseho apes, Sapir.
Black Tippeks