"!Mia dentoj estas verdaj" |
| 12/2007
Shout it out
I don't find people ugly, but rather 'aestheticly bothering'. אני יודעת שאני מדברת לא נכון, וזה מפריע לי.I'm afraid to find out new things about myself, because I almost know it's gonna be something bad.אני פריקית של לשון, ותרגילים במתמטיקה מרגיעים אותי. Even though I know I should, I never listen to anyone else [or myself].I hate people who look aside just when I'm about to say something [even if it's not their fault].I wish I had a colour only I could see. לפעמים אני חושבת שזה ממש מוזר שקוראים לי לימור. Just when I think that something that happens to me is normal, I find out I was wrong.Although I know it's not true, I actually believe that if everybody did what I say, the world would be a much better place.I like cartoons, because they're colorful.I'm always surprised when someone who is not very close to me compliments me, and always feel guilty for doing the same for others.I don't get people who label other people by the music they hear.I think I would feel a lot worse if I couldn't sing and music was my life, than I could sing but music wasn't my life.Music really is my life.I can't stop correcting people.I'm scared of being a guest, because I don't know when to stop.I have an order obsession.If I didn't know it would hurt, I would find so many opportunities to tear my hair off my head.I still have a warm spot for Pokémon.Sometimes I recall things that happened years ago, and then get sad when I realize I'm the only one who remembers them.I hate people who force themselves on others.I can't ask for help.I hate the fact that I start crying in front of people in the most inappropriate time and place.Sometimes I feel like I'm forcing myself on people, especially when they say I don't.אני מוצאת את העובדה שאמירת מילה שוב ושוב גורמת לה להיות חסרת משמעות מקסימה.כמו, לצדוק.לצדוק, לצדוק, לצדוק, לצדוק, לצדוק, לצדוק.נכון שזה נשמע טיפשי? In many occasions I wanted to die, but in none of them I actually thought about killing myself.I have never broken a bone in my body.Sometimes I look at myself and think I'm completely unproportional.I'm still afraid of the dark.I don't believe almost in anything anymore.I would like to be a vegan, but I like meat too much.I can't walk alone at night in the city.I'm scared of getting exposed.I don't like the taste of alcohol.Somtimes I want someone to diagnose that something is wrong with me, so everything would look so much more reasonable..From my point of view, I would have no problem to just go around naked all day.I hate the lack of reason [not including nonsense- that's something completely different].The only unreasonable things I believe in are reincarnation and love [neither of them I know why].I'm actually a good liar.I'm scared of middle-aged men whom I don't know.I'm a bad roleplayer.When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a princess. אני אתאיסטית, ואוהבת ללבוש חצאיות.Some things I would never understand, no matter how much they will be explained to me [french, for example].I'm scared of everything.A few nights ago I dreamt that I was invisible, and the only person who saw me was the one I didn't want to see me.I know what it means, and it makes me sad and scared.I want a kazoo for my birthday.I like to spit.I keep repeating myself.I hate people who talk about the same thing all the time.I have an odd affection for pointless sayings.I like squeaking and saying "^^".I keep repeating myself. אני בעצם קצת פקאצה בתוך תוכי, אבל משום מה כולם חושבים שזאת העמדת פנים .I like silly things.My room is pink.I like sweet things.I like salty things. I hate people that try to analize me.
בהשראת זה [יש שם קישור גם להסבר, אבל אני לא בטוחה שכולם יכולים להכנס אליו].
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