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שגיא נאור

"רוק'נ'רול הוא מהות החיים וכתיבה על רוק'נ'רול היא דרך חיים" (לסטר בנגס)


בן: 50

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הבלוג חבר בטבעות:

HelloFriday11: @Ahoova#

This week’s #HelloFriday is brought to you in English, as the “star” of this week’s edition has to read it… J

She just celebrated 6 years (!) in holy land, she cracks me up at least once a day, and last week – when this was written and was supposed to be published – she proved to be a true hero and a great loving individual.

So without any further ado, I give you the one and only @Ahoova.

1. Your secret identity (outside twitter, in daily life)

Ahuvah Berger

2. Since when have you been tweeting?

March 2007

3. How do you tweet? (applications, services, etc.)

Dabr and Snaptu on mobile, twitter.com on my computer

4. Favorite/Memorable/Famous tweet of your? 


5. Favorite Hashtag?


6. Complete: every one in the universe should follow me because...

fuck everyone following me, i wanna hang with the authentic kids

7. Complete: twitter for me is...

an addiction

8. If you could switch with anyone on twitter, who would it be?


9. Who should join Twitter immediately?

Tommy Gavin from Rescue Me 

10. Which tweep/tweepete would you want to meet in real-life?

All of 'em

11. Who deserves a fake twitter account?


12. Some trivia item your followers don't know about you.

 If i haven’t shared it on twitter or my blog, I'll never tell. 

13. Message to the world?

Why do i think the world gonna listen to anything I have to say?

14. Who would you want to be featured next on HelloFriday?


נכתב על ידי , 16/7/2010 16:09   בקטגוריות דברים בשם אומרם, יש חיים מחוץ לבלוג, פרוייקטים, אינטרנט  
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