There stood a grave, in the empty grove. The script on the tomb was old and some of the words were missing. It didn't really matter, for the tongue was ancient and known to only several commoners on the realm. The wind that constantly stroke the Weeping Willow at the grove, seemed like an eternal sound of the nature's cry. The buried is a honorable lady who once ruled the realm. She was loved by her people, but a cruel vicious traitor, had poisoned her with fatal venom and stole her crown.
Legends say, that since she died, the world has changed. There are various versions to the tale, but no one truly knows. The only thing known, is that time is not the same, as well as the language. All the dead queen's saying were as if changed to a sophisticated tongue, known as Fraena (on the queen's name), which only few could still understand. As for the time... no one can explain what happened, but it lost its balance, and certain things happen either faster or slower than normally would have, without any logical relation between the events.
The realm of Endar had been under the rule of the cruel tyrant king for many years before he mysteriously died by an unknown cause. Despite the injustice during the three centuries of cruel Verin's reign, the times now seem to be worse. A fight on the crown has begun and it seems that everything that has to do with time, turns more and more odd. People get killed in the war on the crown and time drives people out of their minds creating chaos upon land. The fear and awe at the hearts of everyone requires a change; a savior perhaps. If a solution is not to solve things soon, doom is all Endar will have, and the realm shall be no more.
1 - Meeting Point (The Oak next to the main well of Siks City)
She knew he will be there, waiting for her. He promised. She was yet to know him as well as she believed to. She did not even know herself as she does today. She however, thought otherwise.
She sensed someone standing behind her for a glimpse of a second when... "Woah!" she dashed to the touch of his hand on her shoulder. "You scared me!" she muttered. The stress didn't last for long. As soon as their gazes met, they both smiled overwhelmed.
"It has been a while, Veldril" he said calmly. He could only see the beginning of the widening of her smile, for she hugged him then immediately "O, stop being so formal! Olath!". "Heh" was his constrained in an apologizing manner only response.
"What took you so long!" she asked rhetorically and yet expecting an answer as she lost grip moderately. "Ah, the portal, it didn't transfer me..." he said. "What portal?! why didn't you walk it?!" she said impatiently mad for the lost of time. "I did eventually," he replied "but those portals are too fun for me to miss". She laughed, "The childness in you, how sweet". "Of course" he answered quietly.
2 - Veldril & Olath
Veldril is a beauty, an ideal woman by all means. She stands tall, slim and firm and possesses outstandingly beautiful features as well as charming emerald eyes to match the fire-red long hair of hers. Her pale skin, as lucid as her gifted mind. Soft lips and sharp thinking. She knows no evil ways though. As clever as she was, her emotion is stronger than her lucid thinking; so strong she can sense the pain of others by just touching them.
Olath... His emotion-rational balance is opposed to Veldril's. An extremely sensitive man, to himself and his environment, and yet never does it overtake the lucid thought and rational that happen to be the truest and most correct. His well built body as if crafted by a skillful sculptor. His face, not as pretty, but graceful. His grey deep eyes imply on his strong personality that's determined and admirable. A man of fight and yet peace, a fight of mentality, within inner conflicts and against the corrupted society. His greasy dark hair, reached the back of his neck, carved the white face in a wavy frame.
Veldril and Olath, two Outsiders with strange a history.
They met in a time glitch. She was already hundred, and yet she was younger than him, who was only born at Queen Fraena's death day.
He never saw The Realm of Endar in it's good times, but he could sense it once he met Veldril. This had made them close companions.
The odd time changes caused their unmeeting occur, and time after another they as if never met, and yet they did know each other, for that did not change.
לא, אל תשאלו. יש לי מוזה. אני אמשיך כשיתחשק לי. החלטתי לכתוב סיפור בהמשכים פחות מתוסבך. מקווה שילך. ברגע שאין בעיה של זמנים, הכל יותר קל. HURRAY. אני גאון.