אני כמעט בטוחה שכבר פירסמתי את זה. זה נכתב בינואר 2007 אבל עשיתי לזה כמה עריכות. אשמח לפידבאקים, בעיקר אם יש לכם מה להוסיף או לתקן. אבל מה שבא לכם. בנוסף אני שמחה להודיע שמצאתי כתבה שכתבתי בכתב יד לפני יותר מחצי שנה ולא מצאתי עד שסידרתי את הניירת, לפחות משהו טוב יצא מזה, ככה שבאחד מהפוסטים הבאים אני אפרסם (זה בעברית).
The Individual Human by Adi Berman
What identifies each person other than what is viewable by eyesight, is of course each one’s individual ethos. The entire world one knows, all the information, including: feelings (both verbal and mental), thoughts, technical data and so anything and everything of which one can think - is stored in his brain, and commonly used in terms of cognition (consciousness), mind and even soul.
What makes one, one of a kind is the unique life-experience that he and only he has gained. When I say experience, I do not only speak of the experience that we know, remember and define as ‘yielding-an-experience actions’. When I say experience, I speak of all technical actions ever taken by us, including the winks we daily do, the swallowing action and even the breathing action as well as all the rest of the trivial actions done by us. I also speak of the experience of ‘choosing’ to walk on W and X floor blocks, and not on Y and Z floor blocks. I speak of any single minimal and minor action. Nonetheless, each thought one has, relies on his experience, and each thought is a whole new experience to affect the next.
Each person as an organism was born as a subconsciously-egoistic creature, and hence all actions ever taken by one, consciously, subconsciously or unconsciously, were taken under the dictating enforcement of chemical reactions that seek for the best way to assure the survival of this individual creature as it is, relying of course on evolutional aspects, while keeping the mind development accorded to the person’s same unique experiences.
How come then we all born differently? Well, not only each fetus lies in different wombs of different mothers, in different positions, in different places and different conditions; and additionally, each one is born in different times by different people, in different ways, to a different air of different places - - each one’s very first life-experience is different by start. I speak of no other than genes.
Our genetical information is to determine our first life-experiences analysis, of which from we develop. We all analyze all events by pre-experience gained, all relying on the very first information we had that naturally has also been ultimately designed to make us survive.
© All rights reserved to Adi Infernity Berman.
January 2007.
Current Edition: July 2008