Burzum - A Lost Forgotten Sad Spirit LyricsThe fire in the sky is extinguishedBlue waters no longer cryThe dancing of trees has stoppedThe stream of freshness from cold windsExists no longerThe rain has stopped to dripFrom the skyStill dripping existsFrom the veins of a nearly dead boyOnce there was hatredOnce there was coldNowThere is onlyA Dark stone tombWith al altarAn altar whichServes as a bedA bed of eternal sleepThe dreams of the human in sleepAre dreams of reliefA gate out of hellInto the void of deathYet undisturbedThe human sleepAnd one daywill the grace be unlockedand the soulMust return to his worldBut this time asA lost forgotten sad spiritDoomedTo hauntEndlessly.
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