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מה זה אומן לחימה? (מחייב אומני לחימה להיכנס לקרוא)

נגנב מFACEBOOK, כן זה מאודדד ארוך אבל מספיק שתקראו חלקים מתוך זה

What is a Martial Artist

A martial artist is an appreciator of the natural world they are at peace no matter where their environment. They love things like mountains and sunsets and rivers and flowers, trees and animals and virtually all flower and fauna as well as buildings and well made roads.

They are neutral as people unbiased and non pretentious. Likewise they love the naturalness of the universe. They are not busy seeking out taverns and night clubs, parties and conventions and smoke filled rooms, while they are certainly capable of enjoying such activities to the fullest.

Rather they are more at peace with themselves and while they often function most often in a man made world, their true interest lies in what has become stale for others over and over again.

They never tire of a sunset or a trip in the woods, a bird in flight is a magnificent sight, over and over again and they seem transfixed in their repeated pleasure in observing natural phenomena. A caterpillar never grows tiresome, over and over and over again they spontaneously appreciate.

Many normal people find this artificial and contrived. But to the true martial artist they don’t even notice what the normal people think, since they are in awe at the vastness present of possibilities present for fulfillment. They can watch a seagull for hours, and while others might say, 'come on let's go' they are in a trance.

They have penetrating insight into the behavior of others and what may seem almost complex and indecipherable to others, the true martial artist sees as clear and understandable.

The problems that immobilize others are often viewed and minor annoyances to the true martial artist. And this lack of emotional involvement in problems makes the person surmount barriers that seem almost insurmountable to others.

They have insight into themselves. And they see right away what others are attempting to do to them. They can shrug and ignore while others are angered and immobilized.

They are never perplexed and stumped as they go through their days. And what may seem to be confusing and insoluble to most others is often viewed by the true martial arts as a very simple condition with a direct resolution.

They are not focused on problems in their lives in their own emotional world, being divorced emotionally from these problem areas. Thus a problem is really only an obstacle to be scaled rather than a reflection of what they are or aren’t as a person.

Their self worth is located within and there fore any external concerns can be viewed objectively, rather than as in any way a threat to their personhood. This is a most difficult aspect of a true martial artist for others to understand, most people are easily threatened by external ideas or people.

The true martial artist does not know how to be threatened and this very characteristic makes them threatening to most normal people. Your true martial artist will never engage in useless fighting.

They are not bandwagoners jumping on various causes as a way of brining importance to themselves. If fighting will help bring about change then fighting will be done. But never will they find it necessary to fight in a cause that is useless and where the fighting will only make them weaker.

These people are nor martyrs, they just do. They are almost always engaged in what will make other peoples lives more pleasant and tolerable. They are helper’s, warriors if you will on the forefront of social change.

And yet they don't take their struggles to bed every night for an early death and as a breeding ground for ulcers heart disease and other physical disorders. They wear blinders when it comes to stereotyping. They often don’t even notice the physical difference in people including racial, ethnic, size, etc…

They are not surface people judging others by their looks. While they may appear to be hedonistic and selfish, they spend vast amounts of time in the service of others, Why?, Because they like it that way.

These are not sickly people; your true martial artist refuses to be immobilized by typical ailments such as cold, headaches and so on. They believe in their ability to rid themselves of most such maladies and they never go around telling others how bad they feel how tired they are or what diseases are currently infecting their bodies.

They treat their bodies well, they like themselves and consequently they eat well exercise regularly as a way of living and refuse to experience the various infirmities that render people helpless for various periods of time. They like to live well and they do.

You will also notice a very honest person as you watch your true martial artist functioning in life. They are not preoccupied with various responses they do not tend to lie about anything. They see lying as a distortion of their own reality and so they will not participate in such artificial delusional behavior.

While they are private people and will not necessarily share everything that occurs in their life space, they also shun having to distort in order to avoid another person hurting themselves. While they believe they are in charge of their own world so to do they believe that others are as well.

Thus they will behave often in ways that are seen as cruel by normal people, but in fact they are simply allowing others to make their own decisions, and to deal effectively with what is rather that what they would like it to be. You will find and absence of blame in your true martial artist.

They are internal in their personality orientation and they refuse to ascribe responsibility to others for what they are. Similarly they will not spend a great deal of time talking about others focusing on what someone else has done or what others have failed to do.

They do not talk about people they talk with them. They do not blame others they help others to assign responsibility to where it belongs. They are not gossips or spreaders of evil information about others. They are so busy being effective in their own lives that they have no time for the petty connivances that occupy so many others lives. Doers do, critics blame and complain.

This martial artist will have very little preoccupation with order or organization or systems in their lives. Not slobs mind you but also no need to have thing or people fit into their perceptions of how things ought to be. They have no oughts for others. They see everyone as having choices and those petty behaviors that drive so many normal people insane because things are out of place are for the martial artist simply the result of someone else’s decisions.

They do not see the world as having to be any specified way. They have no dysfunctional preoccupation with cleanliness or orderliness they exist in a functional way, and if every thing is not fitting in as they prefer they find that’s alright too.

Organization for the true martial artist is simply a facultative accompaniment, rather than an end unto itself. You’ll note true martial artist as being very creative as a result of this lack of organizational neurosis. They attack any concern in their own unique way. Be it making a bowl of soup, writing a report or mowing the grass they apply their own matchless self to the act, and the result is a creative approach to everything.

They don’t have to do it a certain way. They don’t consult manuals or ask experts they simply attack the problem as they see fit. This is creating and without exception martial artists are creative. These true martial artist are people with exceptionally high energy levels, they seem to require less sleep, and yet they are excited about living in everything they do and they are healthy and can muster up tremendous surges of energy for completing a task because they choose to be involved in it as a present moment fulfilling activity.

Their energy is not supernatural. It is simply the act of loving life and all the activities in it. They don't know how to be bored. They see the world as full of opportunities for thinking doing feeling and living, and they know how to muster up their energy in virtually all life’s circumstances.

We’re they to be imprisoned they would use their minds in creative ways to avoid the paralysis of loss of interest. Boredom is not in their lives because they are channeling the same energy that others have in productive ways for themselves and facilitating the completion of their tasks.

True martial artist are aggressive truth seekers. They never know enough they search for more and want to learn each and every moment of their present lives. They are not concerned with having to do it right or having done it wrong, if it doesn’t work of if it doesn’t accomplish the greatest amount of good, then it is discarded rather than mulled over in self punishment.

They are truth seekers in the learning sense. Always excited about learning more and never feeling they are a finished product. Their search for more is even tiring to observe yet true martial artist don’t seem to tire of it. They never feel or act superior showing off their merit badges for others to applaud. They learn from children and adults and animals.
They are learners not teachers. They never know enough and they never know how to get snobbish or superior since they never feel that way. Every person every object everyone represents for the true martial artist and opportunity for knowing more, and they are aggressive in their truth seeking not waiting for it to come along but going after it.

The true martial artist is not afraid to fail. In fact they often welcome it. They do not equate being successful in any enterprise with being successful as a human being. Since the true martial artist has their self worth entrenched from within. And the external piece of behavior can simply be viewed objectively as simply doing or not doing.

Failing or somebody else’s editorial opinion is not to be feared when they cannot affect the self worth. The martial artist has learned how to avoid such a trap. Thus they will try anything. Participate just because its fun, and never fear having to explain themselves, or experience that neurotic humiliation that comes from raising others opinions higher than ones own.

Similarly your true martial artist does not choose anger in any immobilizing way. Using the same logic and not having to think it through each time since it has become a way of life. The martial artist does not say to them self that other people should behave differently and that events should be otherwise. They accept others where they are, and they work at changing events that they dislike.

This anger or being upset when expectancy is not met is impossible because the expectancy is just not there to begin with. You won’t be watching an emotional eunuch, rather you will see a person who is capable of eliminating emotions that are in anyway self destructive and facilitating the experience of those which are self enhancing.

You see your martial artist display and admirable lack of defensiveness, they won’t play games in an effort to impress others, and they won’t dress for others approval. Nor do they go through the same proper ways of explaining themselves. They have a simplicity and naturalness, and they won’t get seduced into making issues of small or big things.

They aren’t arguers or hot headed debaters. They simply state their views listen to others and recognize the futility to convince some one else to be like they are. They will simply say ' that’s all right, were just different we don’t have to agree' letting it go at that without any need to win an argument or persuade the opponent the wrongness of their position.

They are unafraid to give a bad impression, but they don’t strive to do so. The values of the martial artist are not local. they do not identify with the family the neighborhood the community the city the state or the country, they see themselves as belonging to the human race and to them an unemployed Austrian is no better or worse than an unemployed American.

Similarly they are not patriotic to a special boundary rather they see themselves as a part of the whole of humanity. They take no glee at all in having more enemy dead since war itself to them is a human problem. The lines drawn by men to describe how one should be affiliated are not subscribed to by the marital artist.

They transcend traditional boundaries, which often causes others to label them as rebels and non patriots. Martial artists have no heroes, no idols they view all people as human, and they place no one above their own heads in importance. They do not demand justice at every turn.

When someone else has more privileges they see that as a benefit to that one person rather than as a reason for them being unhappy. When playing an opponent they want him or her to do well rather than wishing them a poor performance. They insist that they do well themselves in order that they may not win by default. They want to be victorious and effective on their own, rather than gaining through the short comings of others.

They do not insist that everyone be equal but most importantly they look inward for their happiness, rather than how others are living. They are not critics nor do they take pleasure in other peoples misfortune. They are to busy being to notice what their neighbors are doing.

Most significantly as you watch the martial artist functioning you'll see a person who loves them self, they are motivated by their desire to improve and have no room for self pity, self rejection in any form or non self love. If you ask them the question 'Do you like yourself?' you will get a resounding 'of course I do.'

The true martial artist is a rare bird indeed, each day is a delight, they have it together and they live all their present moments, not problem free, but free from emotional immobility as a result of the problem. The measure of their mental health is not whether they slip; every body slips, but in what they do afterwards, lay there and whine about having fallen? No, they get up dust themselves of and get on with the business of living.

Martial Artist don't chase after happiness, they live, and happiness is their payoff. By using your present moments for maximizing your fulfillment and consistent proper training you will be a true martial artist, rather than an observer. Such a delightful idea and you can begin that choice, right now, if you choose to.

נכתב על ידי Not Too Clumsy , 12/9/2009 16:19  
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