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<<    אוגוסט 2011    >>

הבלוג חבר בטבעות:

הוסף מסר


being a tourist in israel - 2011

Imagine yourself going on a vocation, driving in a car or a tour bus or a regular bus, traveling to a retreat, fantasizing on a night at a motel with your family, your loved ones or just a friend. And then all of a sudden out of nowhere the windows of your vehicle have been shot, you feel the blood dripping from your face, you look at the seat right next to you and you see your friends or family losing their life line, you think to yourself what the hell just happened and then you remember, you're in Israel, a holy land, a land that's' been to conflicted for too long and never found true silence since the day she was created and even before. A couple of questions immediately pop up into your brain, is the terror attack over or is it just the beginning, this drama was not included in the brochure that probably told you about sightseeing and not die-seeings.


You're probably wandering if life's a bitch, if leaving your cousy home was worth it, cause you thought it's a time of peace in the middle east at the moment and than reality checked in and made you choke a bit.


Welcome to Israel of the year 2011, even if you know what's going to happen it'd probably be surprising, but you probably guess that's what you paid for, a rollercoaster of adventure. Even if you think your going to eilat nowhere is safe, not the roads, not the malls and not the motels.


After you catch your breath a bit you wonder 'who shot you'. You know what you should do? Just stop thinking, cause the israelies are not to blame, not know and maybe even never, you can check your twitter account or the online website, it would probably tell you the opposite of who the blame from the blood still dripping from your eyebrows, the report would probably be showing the gaza strip bombarded with the idf tanks surrounding them, and the Israel communication will be filled with different headlines, headlines from a terror attack that caused those tanks surrounding the strip.


What you need to ask yourself is who's telling you truth and who's not, you'd probably never get a direct answer 'cause each side of the conflict has it's own people and it's own agenda.


What I'm trying to do here, dear tourist, is to show you that I'm sorry for your inconvenience, but that's life, and mainly while travelling – you never know what you really paid for.

נכתב על ידי , 21/8/2011 07:38   בקטגוריות English, שחרור קיטור, טיול, מבוסס על אירועים אמיתיים  
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תגובה אחרונה של ubohxwqn ב-17/2/2013 10:17


בן: 44


פרטים נוספים:  אודות הבלוג

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