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<<    נובמבר 2012    >>

הבלוג חבר בטבעות:

הוסף מסר


kafka like alarms

today, for the first time in ages, i heard alarms go off, and it wasn't part of a drill. 
i reside in tel aviv and the last time i heard real alarms go off was during sadam's regime in the early 90's, i remember it quite clearly; alarms, running, fast heartbeats, and maybe even some weird silence while waiting for the silence in the area around me to keep still.
i do not believe anyone around the globe wants to see people suffer, dead, or avacuated from their houses. i do not believe some people around the middle east wants to make war just because it is war. i do not believe that people have nothing better to do with their lives other than sitting infront of the tv, the computer, the strong built walls or even on the side of the road while their car engines is still running.
am i so gullible by thinking that war sucks and people dying and alarms go of and people suffering, scared, alarmed, sick from mental capacity or even acting normal when they hear strange booms around their whereabouts is a bad thing? i know i'm a bit naive, i know i'm even pronouncing myself as a child would. i know that right this minute people are still running scared, in israel, palestine, or wherever wars residing. but i don't care, i just want silence, as do all.
i don't have solutions, i don't think anyone has any solutions to any problems that war causes. but i do know this - life always must go on, something must be made to make this weird kafka like situation to piss off of everday life in everyday situations. i don't know how it can be done, i don't know who can make this life become silent without regarding the news. but i do what  i know in my hearth is true - to write about it, even in english, so some people who aren't hebrew language natives would read this and understand that even some israeli's think that war sucks.
נכתב על ידי , 15/11/2012 21:07   בקטגוריות English, מבוסס על אירועים אמיתיים, אקטואליה, צבא, שחרור קיטור  
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בן: 44


פרטים נוספים:  אודות הבלוג

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