דאמט אני עייף ואני צריך לעשות את החוברות המפגרות
אין לי מושג אם העבירו אותי כיתה...וגם אם כן זה יהיה נחמד...או שלא...נו..שיהיה לפחות קניתי תיק D:
אז...משעמם לי ><" דברו איתי במסן!
אם גם לכם משעמם...
[email protected] כדאי לכם שאני עייף אני הזוי O_O"
Evil Monkey xD
מה דעתכם עליו נכון הוא ענק!?
אמרתי לכם ._.
כמה ציטוטים מ"וויל וגרייס" של ג'ק וקרן הייתי חייב הם כ"כ מצחיקים XD
Jack: "Women, can`t live with them... end of sentence"
Jack: "Ladies and gentlemen, fresh from 45 minutes of butt-robics, I give you my ass"
Karen: "Good Lord. I can`t believe I`m at a public pool. Why doesn`t somebody just pee directly on me?"
Jack: "Welcome to Cynical Island, population: you"
Karen: "Dump those pies, boy. You know the rules. When we can see your neck, you can have dessert. Rosario, hug the child, the school says she needs affection. Oh, and Stanley for god sake, get out of that tan-booth, you`re starting to look like a cheese-doodle!"
"It`s the oldest story in the book. Boy meets girl. Boy wants girl to
do dominatrix film. Girls says, "Naked?" Boy says, "Yeah." Girl says,
"No way!" Boy says, "Okay how about you just wear this rubber dress and
beat this old guy with a scrub brush?" Girl says, "How hard?" "
Karen: (about her nephew Sumner, to Grace)
Now, don`t get me wrong. He`s my nephew, and I love him like a son of a
bitch. And I mean that literally. Stan`s sister`s a bitch.
Soon they`ll be wheeling out a beautiful, bouncing new pair of
shoulders full of life and promise. Aw... It`s like childbirth, except
without the unpleasant child afterward