לדף הכניסה של ישרא-בלוג
לדף הראשי של nana10
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חפש בבלוג זה


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it sure took me a long time.. so you better like it!!

the pics are just a mess so i'll write next to each one.. =)

have fun=)

the whloe city revolves around the titanic story.. cuz it came out from their harbor..
so thats one of many memorials for it..

costa!! costa is a chain network of coffe here!! =P not some lousy kiosk =))

alright, from now on, its just a tour around the city.

thats just a weird guy looking at people from the bridge O_o

thats the inside of the mall=)
we got like 5 malls in onlky the city center!! na na banana!! =))

thats the high street... you've seen it in other pics before...

thats a policeman!!! thay actualy wear thous stupid hats !!!
yeah yeah.. that huge doughnut looking guy.
that behind the mall.. just a passage to another side of it =)

thats our train station... a bit small.. but fucking alot better then what you got =P

and thats our free bus =)
takes you all around the city... for fucking free =)))
thats southampton's bad side =P
we get board and drink like hell =))

thats me =)

and the most important place in southampton

my s


here is all of southampton's green =))

we got our own FREE skate park =)

and thats me again.

נכתב על ידי , 23/10/2008 22:15  
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