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<<    ספטמבר 2012    >>

הבלוג חבר בטבעות:

הוסף מסר


All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy

lately I gone retro at least in computer games wise

 I started to use emulators and play the dark stalker

series, yes I know it is called vampire  series in the original japapnish name

Which make the darkstalker 3 graphic look a bit more logic now (not too much thought

it was obvious they did not think it will survive behind  2 game not mention like 8  of them...)


after getting a bit board-which I have found no excuse, seriously this games are really fun

I decided I wanted other kind of game and thought of RPG but not too serious so no FF , and so I decided I will find

  The first Disgaea again which is 

DisgaeaHour of Darkness 


Now if you never played the Disgaea series please do yourself, for the love of fuck

The smart good thing which is to play it, it is the definition of funny well for sure the firset one is.

I actually had some problem, the first time I played it I was at the last episode when my ps2 crushed

I could not ask help since I got it from my ex ..yea


it was a shame I was finally getting my little sister hooked on computre game

I still have hope for her to be like super smart geek chick

so you know she would be less in a parties clubbing thing when she will grow up 

and I would need to do less of the big overly protective brother, which I am.


after doing flick flax I came to the relation that my psx will not start it even if it would be the last game on earth.

so after hours of configuration I downloaded yet another  emulator this time only for the ps2 with tones of plugging 

tones of configuration but it finally worked yea!!!

I think it mainly a "guy thing" thought I am not sure

 just after you finally mastered something you really wanted you got that FUCK YEA!!!

feeling basically your mind doing the LINK finding stuff music

Or maybe that just my twisted mind…


So well consider the theme of the blog all this game really has my name on them 

though  there is other one much less retro  diablo 3 I got it when it just came out

started inferno difficulty the second chapter and that is, I just got bored, I kind feel bad since I play with really good friend of mine and he want to play all the time

 it really worth something only if you play together and Skype but I just lost it...


bah...I guess kill the lord of hell can be exciting only 3 times 

but don't let everybody fool you the ponies are bad ass!

נכתב על ידי , 30/9/2012 04:00   בקטגוריות מחשבות ותהיות, צמיחה אישית, אופטימי, שחרור קיטור, gaming, משחקי מחשב, אינטרנט  
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בן: 38


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