לדף הכניסה של ישרא-בלוג
לדף הראשי של nana10
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חפש בבלוג זה


chaos and dreams

מלאו כאן את כתובת האימייל
שלכם ותקבלו עדכון בכל פעם שיעודכן הבלוג שלי:

הצטרף כמנוי
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<<    אוקטובר 2013    >>

הבלוג חבר בטבעות:

הוסף מסר



,greeting bewildered and few readers 
.Welcome to my ever changing and un-sure rhythm of thoughts


I have been sitting here for hours trying to arrange my thought into word, and hopefully into at least line or two. I know what I want to write, just not how. Maybe I am just too proud to admit it, maybe on this subject 

I am still shy. so bear with me a bit as I try to arrange this chaos storm into a map of lines and traces


I have consider myself and also know other will consider me a creature of paradox, one aspect of that is 

leadership. to some degree I can be quite a good leader when I take this role upon myself.  Althought naturally lazy, I am quite competitive and challenge can awake a lot in me.  but when I have a choice in a lot of case I will choose to be the second . Please note I wrote the second not the third or five, regardless  

however , it is always good if people think you are less dangerous then you actually are. consider my natural ability to cut throw barriers , it is make it quite easy when they are not expecting it. Although most time I am peaceful just because war seems too much energy and time consuming, it is always good to be ready and prepared. how other will  or will not view me , I will answer only to one.

?then why, and  why one

as for the number I don't know yet only one can rule me whole. The only logical reason I can think of is being less vulnerable, but let's be honest it is not a matter of cold logic only. as to why chose to be second and not first it is an easy answered embarrassing one really, simple unfulfillment of need to belong.

this feeling of alone, of not belonging anywhere. it goes around in any form of mine, 

it goes in every lifetime I had, at every journey.

even if we just look on me as human

I do not belong on in this country religion

I do not belong completely in both my families sides

I do not belong in gender

I do not belong in this body

if it deep enough it can also work the opposite by being someone number one. once I feel really deep to him or her  and claimed them as mine. I make them belong to me and there for I also have a place to be belong to. it will both need to be real ,honest and both quite rare for me ,since  it come to heal something big, in a way this is two side of the same coin.

Is it fate or just luck? 

I don't know, I can't really explain what will make me follow someone.

I just feel something overpowering and strong in this deity most likely not yet completely shaped. that spark will call to me, will make my night insane will make me wanting it , powerless to this light.

 it will hold as long as he will not bore me

 one can only hope for a merciful master 

yet, not too merciful. 

נכתב על ידי , 20/10/2013 02:19   בקטגוריות מחשבות ותהיות, סקס, פילוסופי, רוחני, אהבה ויחסים, שחרור קיטור, סיפרותי  
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בן: 38


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