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flyff האתר הרישמי[=


מלאו כאן את כתובת האימייל
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סיקילס זה בעצם הכוח של כול אחד מהדמויות.

[עבודות 1]:

הסקילס של קוסם:

Mental strikeRanged mental attack. BlinkpoolAllows you to teleport. Flame BallStrikes at the enemy with a ball of flame. Flame GeyserDamages the enemy continuously with a geyser of flame. Fire strikeDamages an enemy with a fire ball. The enemy loses health for a limited time afterwards. SwordwindRanged, wind attack. StrongwindRanged, wind attack that moves the enemy. Wind CutterRanged, wind attack. Ice MissleBlasts the enemy with a missile of ice. WaterballWater attack that damages the enemy multiple times. Water WellSplashes the enemy with a water attack. The enemy takes damage over time. Static BallDamages the enemy with a ball of static.Stone SpikeDamages an enemy with a stone spike. Chance to stun the enemy.RockcrashDamages the enemy with a giant stone.LootingPrevents an enemy from approaching.

הסקילס של קשת:
PullingBrings a target to you using Yo-yo. Fast WalkerIncreases walk speed for a short time. Dark IllusionBecome Invisible for a short time. Perfect BlockIncreases block rate. Slow StepSlows an enemy. YoYo MasteryIncreases damage done with a Yo-yo. Cross LineA Yo-yo strike that can cause stun. SnitchSteal penya from a target while in Dark Illusion. Attack from behind. Counter AttackExecute an attack after the enemy does. Deadly SwingStrong Yo-yo blast. Chance to make the enemy lose health over time. Junk ArrowFire arrows wildly. Bow MasteryIncreases damage done with a Bow.Silent ShotA surprise attack that does more damage during Dark Illusion.Aimed ShotSlow shot that has a chance to deal double damage.Auto ShotRapid shot that can blind an enemy.Arrow RainCreates a rain of arrows that does damage over time.
הסקילס של עוזר:
HealRecover the HP of a target.PatienceIncrease the Max. HP of a target for a limited time.ResurrectionResurrects a dead player.Circle HealingHeals party members close to you.PreventionTarget recovers HP when it reaches below a certain point.Quick StepIncreases the walk speed of a target.HasteIncreases attack speed of a target.Cat's ReflexIncreases the block rate of a target.CannonBallIncreases the DEX of the target.Mental SignIncreases INT of a targetHeapUpIncreases the physical strength of the target.BeefUpIncreases striking power of a target.AccuracyIncreases the accuracy of a target.Straight PunchPowerful, straight punch.StonehandAll attacks gain the chance to stun.Burst CrackPounds the ground and damages enemies around you.Power FistConcentrated power strike.
הסקילס של לוחם:


Strikes the enemy two times, in rapid succession.


A continuous spinning attack.


A spinning, finishing move.

Special Hit

A single, powerful strike.

Bloody Strike

Drains life from an enemy.

Hit Reflect

The next time an enemy attacks you, the damage will be reflected back at them.


A powerful, ranged attack.


Increases the defense of a Shield against melee attacks.

Pan Barrier

Increases the defense of a shield against ranged attacks.


Stops an enemy

Empower Weapon

Strengthens the elemental damage of a weapon.

Smite Axe

Increases the accuracy and striking power of an axe.

Axe mastery

Increases the striking power of an axe.

Blazing sword

Increases the accuracy and striking power of a sword.

Sword Mastery

Increases the striking power of a sword.

עבודות 2:
קוסם Psykeeper:
DemonolgyDamages the enemy with a mental blast.Psychic BombDamages the enemy the with a ball of mental energy.Crucio SpellDeals damage to an enemy equal to twice the amount the enemy deals.SatanolgyPrevents an enemy from approaching.Sprit BombDoes damage to an enemy based on your remaining MP amount.Maximum CrisisSurrounds and damages the enemy in a strong mental barrier.Psychic WallCreates a wall that pushes an enemy back and damages them if they touch it.Psychic SquareDamages the enemies around you with a psychic blast.

Master Skill

Special INT MasteryINT increases.

Hero Skill

PetrifactionDisables target's Keyboard, Mouse HP, MP, and FP recovery
קוסם Elementor:
FirebirdDamages the enemy with a fire blast.Stone SpearDamages an enemy with a stone spear.VoidTo attack the enemy by generating a perfect vacuum.Thunder StrikeDamages the enemy with a bolt of lightning.IcesharkRanged attack that fires an ice projectile.BurningfieldDoes damage to the enemy over a period of timeEarthquakeDamages surrounding enemies area.WindfieldDamages surrounding enemies with a wind attack. The speed of the enemies will be reduced.Eletric ShockDamage surrounding enemies with electricity. Defense of the enemies decreases.Poison CloudDamages enemies in the surrounding area.Fire MasterIncreases the striking power of fire spells,Earth MasterIncreases the striking power of earth spells.Wind MasterIncreases the striking power of wind spells.Lighting MasterDamages surrounding enemies with electric blasts.Water MasterIncreases striking power of water spells.Meteo ShowerDamages surrounding enemies with a falling meteor.SandstormDamages surrounding enemies with a sandstorm.LightingstormDamages surrounding enemies with electric blasts.BlizzardDamages surrounding enemies with a snowstorm.

Master Skill

Special INT MasteryINT increases.

Hero Skill

Curse Mind

Reduces target's Magic Defense by half

קשת Jester:

Enchant PoisonAdds poison damage to your yo-yo and increases striking power.Enchant BloodAdds blood damage to your yo-yo and increases striking power.EscapeEscape from a restraint.Critical SwingIncreases chance of critical strike. Sneak StabAttack a target from behind. Chance to stun target.Enchant AbsorbAdds the ability to drain HP to your yo-yo.Vital StabSurprise attack while in Dark Illusion.Penya StrikeStrengthens the attack of a yo-yo by consuming penya.

Master Skill

Special Yo-yo MasteryYo-yo ATK increases.

Hero Skill

SilenceDisables target's skills.

קשת Ranger:
Ice ArrowSlows an enemy down by shooting it with arrows covered in ice.Flame ArrowGives the fire element to arrows and damages surrounding enemies.Poison ArrowAdds poison damage to Bow and increase your striking damage.Fast ShotIncrease Bow attack speed for a limited time.Piercing ArrowIncreased arrow strike.NatureIncreases resistance to magic.Triple ShotFires three arrows at once.Silent ShotAttacks the enemy and prevents him from casting spells.

Master Skill

Special Bow MasteryBow ATK increases.

Hero Skill

Hawk EyesIncreases attack Range by 30%. (Skills and Normal attacks.)
עוזר ringmaster:
ProtectDecreases the damage from physical attacks on a target.HolycrossTarget enemy takes double damage for a limited time.Gvur TiallaRemoves de-buffs from a target.HolyguardDecreases the damage from magical attacks on a target.Spirit FortuneIncreases striking power of a target.Heal RainRecovers HP for party members near you.Geburah TiphrethImproves the combat ability of Party members near you.Merkaba HanzelrushaEnemies take damage in an area around you.

Master Skill

Special Bless
of Wise man
Provides a chance to remove debuffs and abnormal conditions from a party for 3 seconds.

Hero Skill

TeleportTeleport to the nearest town.
עוזר Billposter:
Belial SmashingSliding, crushing attack.AsmodeusIncreases striking power.Blood FistStrikes a heavy blow to the enemy that causes it to lose Baraqijal EsnaIncreases striking power while decreasing defensive powerPiercing SerpentFires a piercing beam at the target. Bgvur TialboldStrikes at nearby enemies with an outward shockwave.SonichandFast, straight punch.AsalraalaikumFully concentrated strike. Consumes 100% MP.

Master Skill

Special Knuckle MasteryKnuckle ATK increases.

Hero Skill

DisenchantRemove all the buffs on the target.
לוחם Blade:
Silent StrikeA fast, sliding strike. Requires two weapons.Spring AttackStrikes at an enemy multiple times. Requires two axes.Armor PenetrateStrikes at the enemy and lowers its defense.Blade DanceStrikes at multiple enemies. Requires two swords.Hawk AttackPowerful, downward strike. Small chance to blind the target. Requires two axes.BerserkIncreases attack speed and striking power. Unable to use other skills using Berserk.Sonic BladePowerful, slashing attack. Requires two weapons.Cross StrikePowerful strike using two weapons.

Master Skill

1-handed Mastery
One Handed weapon ATK increases.

Hero Skill

Ultimate DefenseIncreases defense dramatically. (Player is unable to move.)
לוחםknigh t:
ChargePowerful, upward strike.Pain DealerPowerful, downward strike. Lowers the defense of the target. Requires two-handed axe.GuardIncreases defense by lowering attack power. Requires a two-handed sword.Earth DividerPowerful, downward strike.Power StompPounds the ground, stunning nearby enemies. Requires two-handed axe.RageIncreases striking power and HP. Lowers defense and accuracy rate. Requires a two-handed sword.Pain ReflectionReflects a part of the damage received by an enemy.Power SwingTo strike a blow at the enemy by flourishing a weapon. Requires a two-handed weapon.

Master Skill

2-handed Mastery
Two-handed weapon ATK increases.

Hero Skill

DrawingSummons target within range. (Breaks target lock.)
נכתב על ידי flyff האתר הרישמי[= , 19/1/2009 12:55  
הצג תגובות    הוסף תגובה   הוסף הפניה   קישור ישיר   שתף   המלץ   הצע ציטוט


בהתחלה אתם מתחילים את המשחק כשחקן בלי עבודה[=

אתם מעלים אותו רמות ומתי שהוא מגיע לרמה 15 אתם צריכים לעשות לו עבודה:

עבודה 1:





אחרי שאתם מעלים את הקוסם,קשת,עוזר,לוחם שלכם לרמה 60[=

[זה לוקח בדרך כלל משהו כ חודש אפילו פחות].

יש לכם עוד עבודה 2:

לכול דמות יש שני דברים שהו יכול להיות:

קוסם יכול להיות:psykeerp או elemantor

קשת יכול להיות:jestar או ranjer

עוזר יגול להיות:ringmaster או billposter

לוחם יכול להיות:blade או knight



נכתב על ידי flyff האתר הרישמי[= , 19/1/2009 12:40  
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איפו מורידים?[=

את המשחק FLYFF אתם יכולים להוריד כאן:


זה אתר הורדה שבחרתי אישית הוא הכי טוב:)

אבל האתר הרישמי זה זה:


להירשם אתם צריכים גם באתר הרישמי.

מתי שאתם ניכנסים בצד שמואל היה רשום Register תילחצו על זה ותירשמו:)

נכתב על ידי flyff האתר הרישמי[= , 19/1/2009 12:29  
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