In 8 days...
in 8 days i'll go to the tzav rishon and if god loves me ill get an exemption by the first and last meeting that i'm obligated to show myself that has anything to do with tzahal.
In eight days b"h i will know that i moved one step forward for what i really want to do.
In eight days, b"h, i will know if maybe the worst time of my life is about to end.
and then...
in 13 months.
in 13 months, b"h, if everything goes by my planes which really make sense,
i will be in the place where i really want to be.
I don't know if it will be better or worse, but at least i know i will no longer be waiting.
i will meet who i want to meet so bad and waiting so long to meet.
i will be for the first time in my life far away from home, i will be overseas, for more then five days, ill be independent.
for the first time in my life, i won't have someone to talk with in my main language.
i will by at the dutyfree for the first time i'll be stepping on the hollyland for a year a packet of Nobless, and then,
when i get there, nobody will know what it is, and everybody will be laughing cuz its called Nobles.
.and i will be smoking an israeli cigarette in a strange country which isn't so strange anymore
and maybe i will be happy and maybe i will be sad,
but at least, i won't have to wait anymore.
ואחרי זה,
עוד שנתיים...
אני יחזור לארץ, אני אקח קורס תפירה במשך איזה חצי שנה, ואז אני אלך לבחינות קבלה לאוניברסיטה הכי טובה בארץ לעיצוב אופנה, לשנקר, ובעזרת השם אני אתקבל, ואני אלמד ואשכיל.
אבל כרגע מה שאני רוצה,
זה לטוס לשם, להתמקם, וללכת ליפגוש את מי שמחכה לי כבר שנה וחצי.