the bigest misstake that you can do is to start thinking before you write something.
my best writing comes from my hands. you know.. without overthinking everything. i have no idea why i started to write in english, i guess the fact that i translate everything to hebrew started to get old. so many languages in my life not one i can write in with full confidence.. not about my spelling, not about how deep or useless it is.. though i know this one is pretty useless but i have to unload some stuff.. i have no idea why but i find typing a great therapy. better then every phycologist better then every yoga and better then dealing with yourself.. well the last one isn't quite true isn't it? wile you write you deal with yourself.. you try to understant you and your mind at least wile you're a teenager. you know i hate that feeling when everybody acts like you are a little kid that "thinks he knows what's best for himself but really doesn't" wile i think clearly, i deal with my own problems, and i'm not that stupid.. i like to thing about myself that i'm open minded and , you know.. i know some stuff. that i'm smart enough to at least know what's best for me. but i guess that the fact they think that is making me to question all that. what if i'm really like that? what if i really cant think without teenage hormons get in every decision of mine? what if everything i think about would look like crap to me when i'll grow up to be a mother? what if all of my opinions about this world will change a 1000 times ? as i see myself right now.. i'm right about everything i think about, because if i new i was wrong i would probably thing differently. and if future me thinks differently, well, then for me she-me is wrong.
you know, wile writing all of this shit i understood why it's easier to write all this in english...
A. people will be to lazyass to read all this because in english it always seens like more..
B. theres some things that's easier to say in english then in Hebrew or russian...
C. everything sounds less bad in english then it really is. well.. it sounds more right.. try to compare the words "i love you" in both languages.. it sounds more lame in hebrew..
D. no real reason. it just came out like this.
weird isn't it?