לדף הכניסה של ישרא-בלוג
לדף הראשי של nana10
לחצו לחיפוש
חפש שם בלוג/בלוגר
חפש בכל הבלוגים
חפש בבלוג זה


בלוג של נערה ממוצעת , בנים, גברים, ביצ''''ז וחיוכים- כאן הכל מתחבר(;

כינוי:  טל וזה הכל(:

בת: 27

מלאו כאן את כתובת האימייל
שלכם ותקבלו עדכון בכל פעם שיעודכן הבלוג שלי:

הצטרף כמנוי
בטל מנוי

RSS: לקטעים  לתגובות 

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English post

SO... I kinda feel like writing in English- so I guess thats what ill do,

last time I wrote here was about two months ago - a lot has changed since then...

lets start with the beginning 

after 7 months of waiting and a lot of expectations - I finally flew to England !

Ive been there for two weeks - and it so wasnt enough !

it was my first flight since I was 8 so it was a bit intense - I was really stressed but It actually helped me get together with fellowS from my group - they helped me relax (:

the first day was a bit difficult because Ive been sick for a month now- but I got over it quick and had a blast,

we went to the beatiful beach, brighton. London ofc we had parties , we did crazy stuff that well... 



when I came back (with lots of shopping ) , I have started a difficult time 

my mother has been in the hospital, all of my friends either worked or been abroad , super hard math homework and me myself have done many health tests... 

But on the bright side ! 

I worked (3 jobs )

started my driving lessoons - hell yea ! at first I thought im worse than spongebob , but Im a bit more optimistic now (:


Also , Im standing in front of a really difficult situation ... 

My year has been rough - I had lots of tests taken, didnt go to school or actually anywhere for the first semester because I was sick and it put me into a weird situation when places that used to be my home - arent anymore 

my youth movement didnt take the illness well so they acted really bad to me - my manager has said some really bad things and the other guiders well, they became a bit mean 

so I really dont know what to do about it 

im standing in front of the hardest most stressed year and I dont know If Id like to spend more than 6 hours a week in a place I dont enjoy anymore ....

on the other hand 

I know if Ill quit it would be hard to come back and also - I love the movement itself so I guess Ill have to come to my conclusion in the next few weeks...


well theres  a few more things - but thats all for now -



נכתב על ידי טל וזה הכל(: , 23/8/2013 22:03  
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הבלוג משוייך לקטגוריות: יחסים ואהבה , נוער נוער נוער , מגיל 14 עד 18
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