I hate people who says that I need to change.
Like WTF is wrong with you people?!
Why should I change?!
There's something I don't get.
If your fat they tell you to get thiny.Really?!Why should I?I like who I am and if you have problem with that go out of my life .
I mean I love my-self the way I am and I don't wanna change.I know it's more healthy and stuff but I don't care.
From my opinion,I know that thiny and skinny is prettier but I think that being fat actually say something different.
From my life I know that because I'm fat I can see people like they really are and how they act and I can see how people want me to act because that's what the society said so.
I don't give a shit about the society I mean if I want to wear my blue sport's pants with a red T-shirt I don't think it's ugly and I will wear it.
I love things that they are comfortable and easy to wear.
But the most fuuny thing that I've ever heard is: wear preety clothes for school" like really?!
It's a fucking school!I'm sitting on the ground cause we don't have benches to sit on them in the break and I need to run and do things so why should I wear it?!
Okay I get the all "impress the boys and stuff" thing but I think that the guy that looks for girl that wears preety clothes to school or cause she thiny or preety is an ass(sorry boys-and I don't mean all the boys,okay?) but I know that it's really stupid.
I get it,he wants a girl that looks good when they go outside even though he knows that she will wear something ugly at home.
But before you look for this thing let me just say something,she isn't dating you right now so she can wear whatever she wants and even if you think that it's not true,give her a chance at least to show you how she cans look when she's with you outside on a date and not in school and alone (I'm not saying that it's all the girls but still):D.
I mean I can wear whatever I want when I want but if the right guy will give me this chance I will show him how good I look when I'm with him outside cause I get him and I understand him that he doesn't want to be embarrassed infront of his friends and respect that he chose me though he saw how I look in real and still gave me a chance and I promise not to let him down.
I know that most of you will not agree with me so don't comment please I get it you don't think the same,okay,I can't do anything about it but please don't comment on this if you disagree with it. (Thank you) :D