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Avatarכינוי:  HOTM

בת: 27

הבלוגים הקבועים שלי
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<<    אוקטובר 2012    >>

הוסף מסר


1st kiss

"Don't cheat ! close your eyes you are not supposed to see"

"Ok ok I promise just do it already"

"Are you sure you want to do this ? becuse there will be consequences"

"Yeah well I made  my choise already haven't I ? "

"Ok so let's do it"


That was my first kiss. I've never imagined it to be like this because it wasn't perfect, not even close. 
I was too young. too stupid . I wanted to grow up so badly that I just didn't care for losing one of the most important moments of my youth . I nearly went for it, and it wasn't from love. no, it was from curiosity.
 I just wanted to feel for the first time truely wanted. truely desired . and so I lost it. 


"Well what did you feel ? "

"To be honest ? nothing frankly . just your lips. my heart didn't tinggle, and my stomech is fine. Im not excited or nervous . I just am. "

"That's what supposed to be. what did you expected ? rainbow and butterflies ?"

"Well not the rainbow... but different. I expected to feel love as it supposed to be"

"And how its supposed to be?"

"I dont know. but this ? it's surely not what I'm looking for"


Sometimes just in order to find the truth, you need to search for it badly.



נכתב על ידי HOTM , 20/10/2012 11:22  
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