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חפש בבלוג זה

Portals of My Mind

.There is no spoon

Avatarכינוי:  Ob5cur3d

בן: 33

Skype:  live:flamingsw0rd 

פרטים נוספים:  אודות הבלוג

הבלוגים הקבועים שלי
קוראים אותי

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הבלוג חבר בטבעות:

הוסף מסר


Brain Damaged

Sometimes we all have those feelings...
but this time it is just like it is -
my fucked up imagination -
a cognitive disaster.
Part I - The Night of the Miserable Dreamer
Last night I had a vision in my own dream.
I was surrounded by a white light.
Suddenly I was enlightened by the idea
that this is not the reality;
it's just a delusion of mine -
my own spirit, my own world.
In the morning when I woke up,
I've finally found out
that this life is just a fraud.
All over those years
I was fantasised by the grand deceit,
this huge gamble we all know
that we must take
in order for us to survive.
In this very moment I knew that
my brain was fucked up all over again.
Part II - Through Shadow and Death
Woke up trembling,
with this undesirable urge
to murder somebody.
I should have an entrance
to some virtual reality or a lucid dream,
because it's so hard
to prevent yourself from doing so.
Don't be afraid.
My conscience is a bit stronger,
at least as for now.
It's frightening,
this feeling.
Relaxation, please,
I need it fast.
It's so hard to stop this shaking.
It feels like I'm turning into a werewolf.
I hate this feeling.
Part III - A Doubtful Oblivion
Who am I?
Why am I me?
Am I awake?
Am I still dreaming?
Or is this all just a never-ending nightmare?
Is this real life?
Am I deathless?
How have I got here?
Why am I here?
What the hell do they want from me?
And why do they think that I know anything about that?
In my life I've learned a lesson -
death is the only redemption.
The only thing we know is that we know nothing.
Reality is shifting, but it's never changing.
If it was my own dream,
it may easily be also my own reality.
From now on, my doubt is my master.
From now on, I'll never be sure of anything again.
נכתב על ידי Ob5cur3d , 2/10/2013 18:37   בקטגוריות אפל / מורבידי, הגיגים פילוסופיים / מדע בדיוני, יצירות שלי, סיפרותי, פסיכדליה / סוריאליזם  
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