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אני, דניאל קלטי. יוצר ואיש-רוח רומנטיקן, מקורי, נודיסט וצמחוני, בן 38 מרחובות.


בן: 49


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הוסף מסר

קטעים בקטגוריה: Francois Hollande. לקטעים בבלוגים אחרים בקטגוריה זו לחצו .

Regarding the new french attack in Africa

The ONLY terror in contemporary West Africa, is the amok-running of sick imperialistic forces, from wholly different parts of the World, seeking to enslave entire nations to wall-street's sick desires of infinite whole-global power!!

Hollande, Obama and their accomplices, must be put to trial in the Hague and then locked up for the rest of their life. Those horrible acts of military oppression, of the richest countries running over the poorest, carried out throughout the entire African, Arabic & Muslim World, must come to an end RIGHT NOW!!
נכתב על ידי , 25/10/2013 19:35   בקטגוריות A France parle pathological lies, Az Europai Unio, bloody racists, fascists, France, Francois Hollande  
הצג תגובות    הוסף תגובה   הוסף הפניה   קישור ישיר   שתף   המלץ   הצע ציטוט

The TRUE face, of French SO-CALLED "Socialist" Party: the neo-nazi and pathological liar,

Lies, lies and more lies!!

The girl speaks FRENCH. NOT Albanian.

How could it POSSIBLY be, then, that her Family "showed no real interest in integrating into French society"?

HOW, exactly??

In that alone, the TRUTH revealed: France, you have got yourself a racist pathological liar (who could have been an honourable member of the Frontier National...) for a "Socialist" minister of the interior.

I highly recommend you'll go to the polls once again, and this time around, have REAL Socialists for the Socialist Party, REAL racists for the Frontier National, REAL capitalists, for the UMP and REAL Communists, for the Communist Party... and THEN, at the voting stations, your citizens will KNOW, what are they voting for!!

נכתב על ידי , 20/10/2013 15:27   בקטגוריות France, A France parle pathological lies, bloody racists, Manuel Valls, Francois Hollande, fascists, lies, bloody nationalists, Az Europai Unio  
הצג תגובות    הוסף תגובה   הוסף הפניה   קישור ישיר   שתף   המלץ   הצע ציטוט

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