לדף הכניסה של ישרא-בלוג
לדף הראשי של nana10
לחצו לחיפוש
חפש שם בלוג/בלוגר
חפש בכל הבלוגים
חפש בבלוג זה

איך חול יכול להיות מהיר?

קוקטייל "חול טובעני": יחס של 1:1:1:0.5 של שנון : אינטיליגנט : מטורף : Nice guy. לדלל בהרבה ציניות או הומור עצמי, לנער בשייקר ולהגיש קר.


בן: 43


מלאו כאן את כתובת האימייל
שלכם ותקבלו עדכון בכל פעם שיעודכן הבלוג שלי:

הצטרף כמנוי
בטל מנוי

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<<    אפריל 2006    >>

הוסף מסר


Three open letters, or: Mysanthropy my friend


Thank you, indeed. thank you for teaching me the ever-valuable lesson I seem intent of missing every time.  Thank you for wisening me, and doubly thank you for doing it the way you did. Truly, I am now a better man because of you. Trust has completely left my vocabulary as of right now, unless it comes right before "no one". I stand now writing this not in hurt. I am done being hurt. I've been doing it for years successfully until I just recently learned I can do without it. Without the self loathing, self-punishing, self blaming hurt. I am not the one to blame. You are, and I am proud to say that at this moment. I have learned the lesson the hard time for the last time. It is over now.You don't deserve me, and I certainly don't deserve a friend like you.



I have thought about what I feel all the way back home. This is what brought me to write the former letter and this one. There is no hurt. I was a fool to let it touch me. what infuriates me is that you have the audacity to ask "will I see you again?" before I leave. Hey, news flash: When someone comes to console and comfort you and leaves sobbing themselves, that question pretty much answers itself, and you really are obtuse if you do not know the answer yourself. I am done blaming myself. That's right, it was your fault that what happened did, and I am not taking the blame for this one. See you again? the very question brings a bitter laughter to my lips. I do not intend to meet people that do these things to me again, my masochist personality has beaten himself to death. He does not exist anymore. and as far as I am concerned, neither do you.


And you all, you keep thinking that being my friends gives you the right to look down on me, take my requests as mere recommendations if that, or simply ignore them completely. So for you all I say, I'm done with it. I have formally stoppeed caring what you think, what you comment, and your existance when it comes to this blog in general.


למי שלא הבין את הרמז, אני לא עומד לענות לתגובות על הפוסט הזה.

נכתב על ידי , 21/4/2006 00:40   בקטגוריות מחשבות שעוברות לי בראש באופן לא רציף  
4 תגובות   הצג תגובות    הוסף תגובה   2 הפניות לכאן   קישור ישיר   שתף   המלץ   הצע ציטוט
תגובה אחרונה של איקס ב-22/4/2006 08:25

הבלוג משוייך לקטגוריות: סטודנטים , 20 פלוס , מדע בדיוני ופנטזיה
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