Magnum opus
- אודות
Welcome, all! This is my humble blog. Well, not so humble, but still. This blog exists for two things: 1. Publicising my opinions, as the almost exclusive platform for doing so; 2. Advertising my skills as a poet on commission (in Hebrew and English, for every purpose except ritual circumcision), private tutor (preferably of English), and translator (from Hebrew to English and vise-versa). There are also three reasons I write it in IsraBlog and not on English-speaking sites: 1. Showing my masterhood of both Hebrew and English by writing English on a Hebrew-speaking site; 2. The comfort of this site; 3. The fact I live in Israel so my audience is first and foremost Israeli. I write this blog in English for two reasons: 1. Attracting foreign readers (I've quite a few of them); 2. Demonstrating my skills in English. I write almost all of my posts in English, except when there's an issue I find very demanding of Israeli public attention (I've written one post about Israeli politics, circumcision, and homosexuality, and one about the New Testament, which the common Israeli often dismisses without having the faintest knowledge of its content), and even then I translate them to English (or at least summarise them). The first post in this blog doesn't count: I haven't even decided it would be a blog yet, and wrote it just to explain who I was. I've changed since then (though not dramatically). I should translate the second, though. What is this blog about? Arts, politics, philosophy, and a bit about my personal life (when it relates to some deep pondering I have), as well as my poetry (once again, to demonstrate my writing abilities). Who am I? I'm a river. I change frequently. My opinions, my taste, to a certain extent my personality, can change dramatically over time. But essentially I'm the same old snobbish know-it-all whom only a selected few like. Enjoy! And remember: Fragite omnia!
Unum diem... חזרה לבלוג