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Avatarכינוי:  The Oncoming Storm

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הבלוג חבר בטבעות:

הוסף מסר


Stargate Will Never Die.

התכוונתי לכתוב סיכום של הטיסה לספרד, אבל אחרי שקראתי הבוקר על מה שבראד אמר בכנס... טוב, הטיול יכול לחכות לערב או למחר.



#Stargate had given me so much. It gave me role models, who will always be ones I'll be looking up to [Sam, smart and strong, always fighting, always ready to do whatever necessary to save the people she cares for. Elizabeth, a strong, compassionate woman, a leader, who cared about her people and didn't let anyone or anything come in her way. (And that doesn't even begin to describe them)], helped me through the hard times [And will help through the hard times that are yet to come], and basically was with me through most of my life [And it will continue that way, I know]. Stargate had given me home to escape to when I needed it, one that was always there, no matter what happened.
#Stargate had opened me to a whole different universe, a universe of Sci-Fi, which I'm not sure I'd get to without Stargate (not in this time of my life, anyway).
#Stargate showed me different ways to deal with things, a different ways of thinking. I think I've learned, only from watching, more about those things than I did in any other way.


But to say it simply, #Stargate had made me who I am... and who I will be.
And for that, I'll be grateful forever.


There's one last thing I'd like to say- Thank you. Thank you, all the people involved in making that franchise, for making that franchise and keeping it active for that long. And, of course, Thank You for being there for the fans- Whether if it's through conventions or interviews or reading & responding to fan mail, or any other way.
Thank you, @GateWorld, for staying with us through the entire time, giving us all the info we needed, telling us all the news and just giving us place to talk about Stargate.


Oh, yeah, and- Stargate will never die, not as long as we watch it and love it. True, it will be sad - Very sad - knowing that "There's no new episode next week" or that "There won't be any Stargate movie coming out in the fall", but it doesn't mean it's the end. Not at all. Because we're still here, and we still have our SG1, SGA and SGU episodes. And hopefully someone will understand that soon, and we'll have new episodes to watch and rewatch again and again.
But still, as long as we're here- #StargateWontDie. It won't.




And I think that the fans are one of the most important aspects of the show. Or more precisely, the fans/cast&crew relationship. Because it's different. It's special. And it makes it more like a family - big, big family - than just a TV shows.

נכתב על ידי The Oncoming Storm , 18/4/2011 11:33   בקטגוריות Geek Life, Heartbreak / כאב, אהבה, מילה עליי, סטארגייט, מד"ב ופנטזיה  
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