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לדף הראשי של nana10
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Avatarכינוי:  The Oncoming Storm

גיל: 28

פרטים נוספים:  אודות הבלוג

מלאו כאן את כתובת האימייל
שלכם ותקבלו עדכון בכל פעם שיעודכן הבלוג שלי:

הצטרף כמנוי
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הבלוג חבר בטבעות:

הוסף מסר


The Power of Reese. - פרולוג. / אן.

Name: The Power of Reese

Writer: Ann.

Fandom: Stargate SG-1.

Rating: PG13.

Timeline: Change of what happened in the end of "Menace" (519) and going on timeline from there on.

Disclaimer: All rights for Stargate are MGMs. I don't own anything (unfortunately).

Author's note: Was highly disappointed with what they did with Daniel in that episode. Therefore I changed it!


Daniel took Reese's hand, helping her on her way down the ramp. He then turned around so that the android stood in front of him, and looked into her eyes, focusing all of his attention on her.

"Reese," He said to her quietly, "I know you don't like shutting down your toys. But here we are afraid of them. We're afraid of them destroying our planet the way they destroyed yours. We don't want to die. We don't want our people to die. So we have to destroy them."

The girl looked at him quietly, her big dark eyes looking at him with fear. She seemed so vulnerable to him, and the last thing he wanted to do was to harm her in any way. But hearing the noises from outside behind him, Daniel knew he did not have a lot of time before the Stargate Command's forces would break in and kill her too.

"I don't want you to die," She whispered.

"I don't want to die either."

"And you promise you will protect me?" She asked quietly. He looked deeply into her eyes, and couldn't not to notice how human-like she really was. She was like a child, scared and lost and in pain, and in that moment, looking into her eyes, he knew that he had to protect her.

"Yes. I promise. But you have to hurry. People will come through that door," He noticed Reese's look turning towards the door and then returning to him, "And they think the only way to stop your toys is to hurt you. I won't let them do this. But you have to shut down your toys." She kept looking at him, unsure whether or not to trust him. "Have I ever promised you something and broke my promise?" He asked. He knew they barely knew each other, but he had not done anything that could have harm her so far, and he had hoped she would consider it.

"No," She whispered.

"Then please, shut them down."

She looked at him for another long moment before closing her eyes. A heartbeat later he heard the shooting stops and Jack's voice by the door.

"Daniel?" He called from outside. "Daniel, is everything okay?"

"Yes." He replied, still looking at Reese. "Everything's fine."

"We're coming in."

"Don't!" He turned to Reese. "Is it okay if Jack will come in? He won't have any weapon, I promise."

She stared at him for a long moment before nodding. "Okay."

"Jack," Daniel turned around, stopping the colonel from entering the room, " your weapon. She's not gonna hurt you. We're all safe." Jack hesitated. "Please, Jack."

"Okay." Jack left his gun behind, and even though Daniel knew he had a nine-mil hidden, he let him in.

"It's okay," He promised Reese quietly. "Nobody's going to hurt you. We just need your help."


מצטערת על האנגלית, אבל אין לי ממש כוח לתרגם כרגע.

נכתב על ידי The Oncoming Storm , 23/6/2013 21:21   בקטגוריות סטארגייט, פאנפיקים  
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