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Avatarכינוי:  The Oncoming Storm

גיל: 28

פרטים נוספים:  אודות הבלוג

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<<    יוני 2013    >>

הבלוג חבר בטבעות:

הוסף מסר


I Had This Dream

And you were there, and you were there, and there's no place like home.

I had this dream. It was... beautiful. It was summer, and everything was alright. I could see the sun outside, the people hurrying out of the buildings, running out in the warm sun of the beginning of the summer. I could tell they were happy, and as I stepped towrds you I couldn't help but hope that after our conversation I will be happy as well. I know things could change forever, but I wanted to believe you would never let that happen.
And in this dream... when you spoke to me, the real you spoke. I hadn't even known that person back then, and I dreamed about the only person I knew, your sweet, caring self. You spoke to me like I was an adult, like we were equals. It wasn't quite what we had but it wasn't too different, and in that dream I was happy. You told me it's okay, and that everything will be fine. You told me that there is still a chance.

I had this dream. It was in the fall. Everything was back to normal. We left that life we knew from before, and entered something new, something that we didn't quite knew but still felt right for us both. Things really were alright. We talked, we laughed, we had a good time. I remember your smile when I told you about my life, and the good things that are finally coming to me.

I had this dream. The winter had just started. It wasn't easy, and I thought I'd fail. Once again, I could not find the strength to believe in myself and see who I really was. But I knew I could count on you to be there, because you were always there. And through it all you kept telling me the truth, you kept telling me all that I needed to hear and no one else could say. You were there, and I always knew that everything would be fine, simply because you could always calm me down.
I remember smiling over something that you said. I remember you smiling back at me. I don't remember why, but I have this image in my mind, and I just can't let go. Every time I look at it I cannot help but smile. Because I remember that dream, and I remember that smile, and I remember that feeling of pure joy when I saw it in your eyes.

I had this dream. You came with me away. We were not the only ones, but I didn't even care. We were on our way to that place, just to accept some award, and you were there the way you always were. As ever, your words calmed me down and made me believe in my strength and talent the way you always did. It was nothing less than perfect.

I didn't have this dream, in which you said goodbye. In my dreams you never went away, never broke our bond. I didn't have this dream in which everything was broken, in which nothing ever lasts. I only keep on wishing that the good things didn't have to end as well, and pretend that there was ever a chance that everything could be alright.
נכתב על ידי The Oncoming Storm , 24/6/2013 19:11   בקטגוריות געגועים, Mr. G, קטעים מקוריים, Heartbreak / כאב, המלאכים שלי.  
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