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הבלוג חבר בטבעות:

הוסף מסר


Back in Time

There's something highly surreal about going back to the place where you went to Secondary School. 

I'm not sure what it is, exactly. I'm not sure why it's so odd, or why I'm feeling both comfortable and uncomfortable at the same time. Maybe it's because it's been nearly nine years since I came here for the first time. Maybe it's because it's been nearly six years since I left. 

We came to see my sister graduating high school. It's an odd experience in itself, suddenly seeing the people you've heard about for years, but I never realised how much more surreal the experience is when it's a place you went to yourself. And it wasn't just a day, mind you; those were some significant years in my life. Most of them are probably even in the early pages of this blog. Three whole years. 

I've met two of my teachers, too. It was somewhat awkward for me before,  because it's going into the same place, walking in the same areas and corridors and courtyards I walked in as a kid (or a teen, whatever), and seeing them filled with people I've never met. Here and there some flashbacks, but no person I can actually talk to. Like it's been decades, and they're all gone. The past and the present, colliding. 

It's kinda like watching a 3D film without the 3D glasses. 

I started feeling a bit more comfortable once I met one of my favourite teachers. There's literally no bad thing I can say about her, and after I switched schools she's been one of the few I've really missed. For the most part, I did love this place. I certainly felt the teaching levels were higher, but that's a whole other thing. If it weren't for that awful class, I might have been happy there. But it was marvellous to see her again, and I really wish I'd have had the chance to catch a couple of others. Work comes first, though. 


At the beginning I kept having flashbacks to my own graduation. I kept expecting to see Mr G there, smiling at me, all touched and excited. I kept wanting to see him. I kept wishing he could be there.

But that's not the way the world goes, does it?

נכתב על ידי The Oncoming Storm , 8/6/2017 23:25   בקטגוריות Mr. G, געגועים, חטיבת ביניים, מילה עליי  
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