לדף הכניסה של ישרא-בלוג
לדף הראשי של nana10
לחצו לחיפוש
חפש שם בלוג/בלוגר
חפש בכל הבלוגים
חפש בבלוג זה

I'm just being me

מלאו כאן את כתובת האימייל
שלכם ותקבלו עדכון בכל פעם שיעודכן הבלוג שלי:

הצטרף כמנוי
בטל מנוי

RSS: לקטעים  לתגובות 

הבלוג חבר בטבעות:

הוסף מסר


Can anybody hear me or am I talking to myself


.She said sorry too often
.She apologized for apologizing too much
.She said sorry like it was a greeting
.She apologized for everything that goes wrong
.All because she labelled herself as a disaster. She is
,She was sorry for not being good enough
.Because she never thought she was good enough
.She knew
.All she thought is that she will never be more then the mess inside her head and the tsunami inside her heart
.So all she learned was to apologize for every single breath she took
.She craved love
She craved to have a man wrap his arms around her and tell her she lookes beautiful. Even when her hair is messed up and the tears stain her face,
.that she is worth it
.She longed for someone to kiss the scars on her hands and thighs and tell her she's better than them
.She wanted hope again
.She needed to feel secure again
,But behind a big smile or a happy luagh
.loneliness takes over her
,Every night when she cries silently into her pillow in the frightening darkness 
.All she asks for is to have someone
.That special someone
.She begs the world for love. Real love
.She wants to stop hurting
.She needs happiness
,And after all, that girl
.Is me



,Tonight I've fallen and I can't get up'
'..I need your loving hands to come and pick me up'


נכתב על ידי , 2/8/2015 00:13   בקטגוריות טריגר, כאב, לבד, שחרור קיטור  
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בת: 27

Skype:  ashira.saidel 

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